Friday, January 29, 2021

Jogging - January Jog

Hi Blog,

Finally after Dec Cycling and frequent raining days in the past few weeks, I got to jog again!

GOOD WEATHER! Thanks Miss Sky!
Let's kickstart my dormant legs.

14th Jan 2021 - First jog for 2021, I jogged slowly in the moody weather. After jogged, my legs got rather sore somehow... I guessed I am getting old.
15th Jan 2021 - Even though my legs were sore... I should not stop giving myself a chance to rest. I shall go for a slow jog.
18th Jan 2021 - In the midst of recovering my legs sore... I started to have a tailbone ache. Feeling my age is catching up...I have no chance and should not give up - Can't jog fast then I shall jog slowly.
21st Jan 2021 - Alv wanted me to join him on jogging, I guess we tried but halfway through, rain ended the whole jogging trip.Hahaha. At least I managed to get some pictures for the evening.
26th Jan 2021 - Wow! I just realised that this skin suit I have not been wearing for quite some time ago when I was clearing my suit theme. Glad I still can fit in this suit.
29th Jan 2021 - Just went for a good haircut and lucky the barber "vacuumed" most of the hairs, so I can go for a slow jog after that so I can bath altogether. Hahaha.


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