Sunday, January 10, 2021

Hiking - Wet Above

Hi Blog,

In my previous post - Wet Start last week, I mentioned that I wanted to experience hiking in the rain, and JH asked me for an impromptu raining hike.

Since I had cleared my errands and let's go for it!
When we agreed to hike, the rain started to get heavier but JH was late...

The rain intensity had reduced.
Oh well... while waiting for JH to arrive, let me show you a new plant which I bought this morning.
I bought a staghorn! Hahaha... I don't know why I start to grow the love of it. The amazing shield which protects itself and its fronds which looks like a reindeer horn/antlers. I checked online and with the expert. Mine is a common staghorn - Platycerium bifurcatum
In my Concrete Hike, just check out how amazing the growth of this staghorn is! Look at its "armor"! Just simply wow my imagination! This one should be Platycerium wandae. (wanted to grow that one but it looks just wow and wild!)
Just look at how messy my growing place is. Hahaha. I have not space for that beside the corner. If it got any bigger, I will need to drill a hole on the wall to hang it.
Oh yes! I took a moment to admire my Nep Truncata x Merilliana. I can't believe I stood there for five mins.
Anyway time to wear my shoes. I know the hike will be a wet experience, so I decided to wear this rubber shoes and I regretted my decision...
Besides looking ugly... Reason at the end of this post...
Continued to wait for JH's message and after a while, he arrived finally.
Let's go!
It seemed like he was well prepared.
(Thanks JH for helping) The rain got denser...
(thanks JH for helping) He doesn't know how to use my camera. Hahaha. But he is a photographer, he learns fast.
Raining which made this park a quiet one
The water level was slightly higher than my previous hike.
We thought that there won't have any crazy hikers or joggers, but we were not alone. There are crazy visitors too! Hahaha!
I think I can swim in it.
I believe if it rained heavier, this pavement will be covered with water.
My rubber shoes can't save me in the beginning as the water had reached my ankle-level.
But it was fun :D
JH wore a boot, I think I should invest one good for all my future hikes.
Hmmm JH regretted that he arrived late here, the rain started to get less denser.
But to be honest, it was a cool hike!
Oh! The rain started to get heavier, Yippee!
(Thanks JH for helping) Wow! I can start my water bending here.
Rain water just washed my dirty rubber shoes and cooling feeling
If it is a clear water, I might jump into the water for a quick swim.
I think wild ideas should not be encouraged, best to stay on land.
I am singing in the rain. Just singing in the rain.
In Singapore, we don't have any amazing waterfall, a mini drainfall is good enough.
Lucky there is no wind during the rain, if not, I might fall sick. Miss Sky is actually very kind to us.
But hiking in the rain is an interesting experience.
If I was alone, I might have some wild ideas. Haha
No matter what, my left toes started to hurt...
At this moment, you don't care whatever condition of ground is anymore.
Since my foot were swimming in it.
(Thanks JH for helping) Why can't the rain get any heavier? WHY?! Hahaha
but we tried to avoid muddy ground as much as possible so meaning we would have to hike extra km along the river bank.
Finally, we had completed the muddy trail and time to go home as...
I have blister on my left small toes because of friction from the rubber shoes...  Two rainy hikes I experienced abrasion. Oh well, time to let it heal. Hahaha.


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