Saturday, January 30, 2021

Blog - January Update

Happy 2021 Blog!

Wow! We were moving towards our 11th year of my blogging life. Long ways to go. So may happening stuff in the past.

It has never been easy but I will try to conquer.
Hopefully, for 2021, I will get better and thanks to Google for not putting a storage space limit capped at certain GB. My blog itself is confirmed MORE than what was given for free.

January Swimming -
Updated 27th Jan 2021
January Jogging -
Updated 29th Jan 2021

2nd Jan 2021 - On the second day of 2021, it had been raining for consecutive for two days! The weather was so cool and nice to zzz... But spoiled my mood of hiking...
3rd Jan 2021 - Wet Start
(Click here to read more)
3rd Jan 2021 - Every year January, there will always have a slot for my mother's celebration. Thanks my elder brother for treating today meal instead of me.
5th Jan 2021 - Thank you HD for sending me home and dropped by Upper Peirce to see this beautiful cloudy evening. At least something which gets my mind out from my worries...
6th Jan 2021 - WOW! Thanks St for these cute gifts. Appreciated. :D Based on what St had sent me... Red = Great luck 開運御守 and dark blue =Always Victory 必勝必贏御守
7th Jan 2021 - My turn to treat my bro some expensive durians. Painful wallet but I will uphold my words to treat. Happy Birthday EK!
9th Jan 2021 - I could take a train home but to avoid walking in the rain, I decided to take three buses home and I was dried as how I started. XD
10th Jan 2021 - Wet Above
(Click here to read more)

13th Jan 2021 - Today I wore my dark blue shirt for hmm second time to my workplace. (perhaps when I wore this for the first time, I only walked around my own floor but for this time around, I worked in the staff room due to covid arrangement) Anyway back to the topic, I received three teachers complimenting me that I look great in that dark-blue shirt. Aww.. that is so nice to lighten up my mood and confidence level. I guess those who have a great physique will always be showered by other people compliments until they grow "numb" - and that explains why they always feel confident or bragging (for some bad ones).
16th Jan 2021 - Finally we managed to go for a cycling ride together again after many failed attempts and postpones due to rain, today weather was a blessing and will go on a longer trip sooner. Perhaps Mr E, you should stay with your wife or bring your wife along this trip. LOL!
17th Jan 2021 - Recently, a sudden heat of using this app - Toonme (Google Play and Appstore) I decide to give myself a try to see how CUTE I will look like in pixel cartoon and yup... I still look a nerd and Jacky Chan... Okay, Skip!
18th Jan 2021 - Suit for the Theme #44
(Click here to read more)

19th Jan 2021 - Trisuit Theme Collection
(Click here to view more)
20th Jan 2021 - My workplace will be having a Total Defence Day for the pupils. They were asking the staff for uniform and I recalled that I had given a Tankie Coverall which I only used once since I am not a Tankie but a Mech. Lucky that I still can fit in it. Since I had MR (the acronym for Mindef Reserve), I had kept some pairs of my army uniform for nostalgic memories (post link). I will gather those uniform during spring cleaning and make a post for it. Nice feeling to wear a uniform again. Honestly, I am the type of person who love uniform, do you?
21st Jan 2021 - I tried again and managed to get the ideal nerd I see myself from Toonme. Which one you like? Have you tried to make yours?
22nd Jan 2021 - Happiewatch
(Click here to read more)
24th Jan 2021 - One of the more than four pictures post but have nothing to fill so it will park under this update post. Trying to chase the sun with JH, hoping to achieve this effect but we failed badly. Hahaha... Thanks JH for helping me on the photo.
29th Jan 2021 - Finally! After a year of my failed purchase, time to restart my experiment! More detail will conclude after three months.
30th Jan 2021 - All for a Staghorn
(Click here to read more)


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