Saturday, January 30, 2021

Cycling - All for a Staghorn

Good morning Blog,

Previous Mr E, my colleague, wanted to cycle a longer distance but failed due to rain. Today it seemed like it is the day to achieve that but I had a plan for today too.

Insert Holy music while staring at the Mr Sun. Filled with hopes and hopes to wash my unhappiness away.
As the title stated, yes! While cycling to a far distance, I will want to collect a staghorn from the west to feed my new addiction. Thanks Goodness Mr E agreed!
it seemed like it won't rain for today.
Pumped up my waifu and ready to go to meet Mr E near my station.
Mr E is a breakfast person so I accompanied him for a breakfast session at Adam Road Food Centre where is my first time, having my breakfast there. Too bad, don't have a vegetarian option but definitely a place for many pro-cyclists to take a break here. I guess the odd one (fatbiker) will have to exit there asap and let the pros enjoyed their meal than having a slowpoke aura affected them.
Since we were cycling coast-to-coast path, we will pass by some interesting place like this Old Bukit Timah Railway Station.
Lucky I went in there before it closed from the public five years ago (you can check my older post out here). I will consider myself blessed.
Same old landmark. :)
My first time cycled to Little Guilin with my waifu! :D She enjoyed such beautiful scenery!
(thanks Mr E for helping) YES! Finally! Found another rock with names on it! I guess I can make a post about it!
(Thanks Mr E for snapping) Finally! We had arrived to Woon Leng Nursery where Mosscape Who focus on Staghorn nd orchids, just had a new plot of land for his amazing collection!
(Thanks Mr E for snapping) WOW! There are so many staghorn to view and I want to get one of that beautiful staghorn... Stressed! After a few picks and rounds of elimination, I decided on this one!
(Thanks Mr E for snapping while I was too busy picking) Not sure its name of this species, I am not pro!
I definitely can recognise this one - platycerium elephantotis!
Due to the owner of Mosscape was too busy handling the incoming customers, I doubt he will have time to entertain a walk-in like me. So I picked one of my favourite and left that place. Don't want to keep Mr E too long too. hopefully I can go down again and admire every single staghorn at Mosscape.
I hang the staghorn behind my back and looked interesting to have a cyclist carrying his plants exploring the world!
Time to go home!
WOW! Honestly, I got rather burned after four hours of riding. So a break in between will be great! What to do when you are old and slow; can't compare to the pro out there.
YIPPEE! Two sides of my corridor guarded by staghorn!
What a beautiful 'cabbage' :3 No! I meant Staghorn! This one is favourite staghorn - Platycerium Ridleyi! Beautiful, right?
Throughout this cycling, this staghorn was like a girl hugging me from my back. Hahaha. At least, we had a sweet memory together and hope it will grow stronger and better every time.


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