Sunday, January 3, 2021

Hiking - Wet Start

Good morning Blog,

After two days of raining from the start of 2021, the monsoon brought the rain and many places got flooded (news link)

Today seemed like a cool morning.
Hmmm... Should I go for a hike? Hmmm....

Yes! I should go for a hike.
After wishing my plants "Happy 2021" and followed with a chit-chatting session with my plants
I am ready to go!
I decided to go for a hike without a bag and water bottle... Not sure whether is it a bad idea...
Thanks Butterfly for cheering!
Miss Sky seemed tired today but it seemed like she still wanted to continue showering.
I think it will rain while I am hiking so I decided not to carry my bag, free and easy.
Surprisingly, there were visitors to the park despite signs of raining.
Check out the number of vehicles here. Hmm... Actually it is normal.
OH! New poles installed around this rock which I can place my camera at an eye-level. New theme possible!
Oh my! The water flooded level was too high.
Looking at the flooding condition...
I got rather worrying...
Small streaming can be spotted around here
What a quiet park though and I wished I can spend some time taking pictures of animals
Hmmm... my reflection seemed blurry as it reminded me what is the condition in front of my journey.
My first challenge welcomed me now.
But there were rocks to give me some assistance.
My second challenge - due to the heavy weather in the past few days
trying to climb over and wanted to take more pictures but... there were visitors coming to this path so had to go.
Wooden vines - Impressive growth
I think I can spend some time to snap some pictures
Smile before I got any fatter and my next challenge...
Sometimes, they formed a pretty landscape
The water just flowed down calmly. :3
Like a resting stop before facing my biggest worry
I will slowly...
watch over my every step
and still got water into my shoes... >:(
Okay! I had approached to the area where I feared...
let you know what I feared of. Usually, along my Macritchie hike, I will pass by a small river stream and I think it might be flooded to a certain level.
WHAT?! No flood?!
Hahaha! I know! They build a rocky platform already!
Can you imagine if there is no such platform?
Look at the left and right side of the stream...
Credit to whoever did this path
I had no more fear and...
Counter every challenge ahead
I doubt I will be lost here.
So far the muddy ground was my least issue I have while hiking after a shower
At least... it was still manageable.
Finally got out from the mud and back to concrete.
Hiking without my bag seemed so incomplete
I could hear roaring from the sky... Miss Sky seemed to get ready for the next shower.
Hmmm... I guessed it will rain sooner... let's stop photo and double my pace.
The sky seemed gloomy
But I still can see cyclists and hikers engaging in their activities.
oh dear... I left my mask behind my back pocket and...
I regret doing that... because I can smell my sweat when I wear it! NOOOOOOOOOO!
Anyway fast forward, I met up my friend, Rid who wanted to visit the quarries especially Singapore Quarry.
It was still raining and visitors flow had not stopped their hike
(Thanks Rid for helping) Thanks for helping me to take picture of this ugly model with such amazing scenery
When the sky started pouring... It reminded me from the beginning of my hike, had warned me how I will end my hike.
we had to end our hike to just one quarry and hurry back home. My apology to Rid that the hike got cut short.
Time to go home and continue my other activities.
Which was to celebrate my mother birthday. :) Alright! I will hike more in 2021.

At the same time, I know my hike with my friend Rf will be the last round... It is always ended that way. Haha...


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