Sunday, February 14, 2021

Product - Captain America Costume (Part 2)

Hi Blog,

Yes! it's Captain Nerd again, I am back. There are some new things and changes on my Captain America Costume that I had made since my previous post. Yes! I am not just nerd, I am also stupid of wasting money for nothing especially to this plain Asian looking, short, untoned person. Anyway, it will be my part two of my Captain Nerd costume update which I had gathered information since last year.

A drawing of Captain Nerd by Procreate
Don't worry about me. I know I need to have some self-knowledge - can't pull Captain America or Superhero well as others do. But I really like the superhero costume and want to be the best of myself and fulfil my unrealistic dream.

I don't have a buff body or big muscular shoulder, so I purchased shoulder guard to broaden my small shxtty shoulder width.
From my previous post, This was the shot without the shoulder pad.
(Credit to whoever owns this image) Just look at how muscular Steven Rogers is in the costume. A God in costume; a cloth hanger for any clothing; man of man; Greek god alive. LOL!
Got this from Aliexpress and this is how I look with a buff broad shoulder. Now I can understand why those guys can feel confident in themselves. With God body, most people will just kowtow you; which I don't think I am worthy to. Well, Just enjoy the moment then.
The shoulder pad gives an impression of "fullness" on my small shoulder. Dreaming, dreaming.
After settling the shoulder issue, next... I got a great discount for a real Captain Shield! yes! Another amount of money spent on something useless. I know I know. You can go ahead and roll your eyes. For me, to balance my dream and reality; in another word need and want (I know this is just a want and not essential).

Anyway, let's move on. I had been browsing through Cap Shield for a long time.

Most of them will cost at least $300 price range. This one is the Best Shield Replica ever!
I also found many metal shield listing in $150-200 range, but those are not authentic. So I have to be careful about how I spend my money.
Unless I go for plastic replica shield with the price range of $80-150
or go for a toy shield which is half the original size for kids with a price tag of $35-50. but seriously...
Yes! Blog. I know I can just save it and forget about it. Don't spend you save up. Alright, I got it! I just wanted to share with you what I had researched and waiting for an opportunity.

I had been targeting this special 75th anniversary shield for months and I managed to get mine at a 45% discount with promo code, but have to pay for some shipping fee; with such big shield, the shipping fee was not cheap but it worthed.
After nearly a month, the shield had arrived! Check out the size of this delivery box! but the box looked crumped...
Thanks HD for helping me to unbox this shield.
Oh no!!!!! Not just the box crumped, even this main box also too. :( It dented inwards... I examined and learned the reason for it was due to the delivery service stacked other boxes on top of this box and the weight caused the dent on the hollow side of the shield box. Oh no... Will that shield got dented??? :'(
After HD took out the shield, all my worries were gone. The nice shining shield has no dent on it beside the main box.
Look at how smooth the shield is. The weightage of the shield (It is real metal!) makes it looked solid and authentic.
Because it was too big when I carried it back home. I attracted much attention. I believed if I took it out from the box, I will be labelled as "SHOW OFF"! let's go back home and tried it!
Wow! That shield added in a WOW element for being a serious superhero cosplayer. Captain Nerd will need some shield for himself - protect himself and others.
With the helmet and flat chest, it only makes me earned my title as Captain Nerd.
yes! I am Captain Nerd at your service!
I guess I still have this to resolve, I can't zip up the back properly because I am too fat for this and I can't reach the zipper.
Time to bring it down to the friendly alteration auntie to alter for me.
Travelled to People Park and here is the store. Oh yes! take note: Auntie is not well versed in the English language so try to communicate with her in Chinese.
Oh! Auntie was not around?! I waited for a while and she showed up.
I told auntie about the costume. She just smiled and asked me to tell her the issues I have.
So I explained to her the loose booth thingy. She examined it patiently and offered some suggestion on how she will alter.
She asked me to buy velcro from another store in the same building so I bought a black one.
Wore the top and allowed Auntie to make the altered measurement. Some passerby saw me in the Captain suit, they just gave me a gentle smile than judgmental look. :)
Just looked at how Auntie sewed the velcro on the jacket skillfully and carefully.
Thank you, Auntie. :D It is perfect! Velcro work is nicely done!
Finally, Thanks Auntie for fixing this for me. Now I can wear it as usual.
:D Great to get this done before CNY :D
Time to try them outduring CNY period since not going anywhere else.
On my aircon and how I look now?!
let's try with Shield. Yes! Captain Nerd I am.
With helmet only added the nerdiness. LOL!
Oops! I didn't wear my right shoulder properly. Oh! Well. hahaha! At least, something which I accomplished and made the best of it.
My last thing which I will want to do is this one. :) That will be part 3 in future.
Some drawing which I am proud of :3 Hope you will like my drawing. I made this as my wallpaper for my personal laptop :)
V-day is just a normal day for me... Oh well. :) Happy Single Day to me and everyone!


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