Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Personal - July Randomness

Hi Blog,

It is July and my Bday is coming. Honestly, I do feel rather different after knowing the result of a test which I will share with you in one of my posts sooner. Perhaps I can share with you one thing and for sure now, I won't delete you away from my life for anyone who doesn't understand me by leaving an inconsiderate and judgemental comment to tell how lousy and inadequate I am. Anyway, it is a random post, so I will just share then move on.

I feel that I should go back to past tense writing on my content because I got more stressed up when typing it in the present tense when it was actually over. Time to go back to the past.

2nd Jul 2019 - Today was to meet up with A and the gang for Mala (big spicy level) and durian session. I regret to eat Big Spicy Mala and I should stick to Middle Spicy to enjoy a good Mala dish.
3rd Jul 2019 - Spiderman movie was out! Yippee! To celebrate the releasing of the movie and challenged myself, I wore the spiderman mask and took a picture in an open space. It took me a great deal of courage to step out of the toilet and posed. I guess I am timid in person... Disappointed with myself... Tied down by my stupid character...
7th Jul 2019 - Today went for a hiking session with J and who knows... it rained! hahaha Feeling cool to hike in the rain.
8th Jul 2019 - Today I was taking Google Certified Educator Test. My brain was hurting and stressed as those questions especially MCQ were very tricky but lucky they will indicate how many ticks I need to choose for multi-choice questions. As for practical, I just followed their instructions and ensured that I don't miss out a single detail. Credit my school for sponsoring me to attend a Boot camp to prepare for the test. The result is satisfying. So proud of myself. Now I am Google Certified Educator Level 1 :)
9th July 2019 - I was very busy these days... barely have time to draft a long blog post. Oh well. Tired and fatter are my friends these days.
11th July 2019 - Today I attended the second time meet-up for vegetarian singles and it was great to meet up with new friends and I know I don't stand a single chance... but at least, I feel proud of myself that I don't carry any positive expectation from the ladies and just be there to make friends, and enjoyed the food and programme. And as an introvert, has to force myself to be extrovert, I think I did a good job there to engage than escape from my anxiety.
17th July 2019 - National Day is coming and seeing every single block is hanging out Singapore flag, but how come there is different feeling from the past and present. Oh well, Time flies and so do our feeling, it will fade away too. Feeling like struck in the past.
23rd July 2019 - Today Alvmax wanted to catch up so I suggested visiting Jewel again. Oh well, TBH, I hate to spend money for the moment... Well, it was a short catch-up and won't be spending a lot of money plus window shopping, so I am cool.
27th July 2019 - I wanted to go for a short cycling trip but I got wear-off... or rather lazy... so I took out my Tron suit to wash up to remove some plastic-smell. Hope I will wear it one day.
28th July 2019 - Messy hair and feeling rather old now. Hahaha... I guess I might reduce taking pictures of myself very sooner.
30th July 2019 - It had been a while since we met YM... hmm like three years? Yesterday was his Bday and we decided to throw a birthday party and a simple dinner with him. Thanks for showing up, everyone. Without you guys, this party won't be a success.

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