Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Swimming - July Swimming

Hi Blog,

I realised that I have been actively swimming during my pocket time. As for July, I had plenty of pocket time which allowed me to swim my fat away.

Just an untoned fat man who likes swimming.
And I reviewed my blog, realised I made a lot of hiking-title as my post but do not have swimming as title. So I shall make one per month!

1st Jul 2019 - Today I decided to go to TYP Safra for a swim and the crowd over there is much lesser which was good. Might go there for a swim if my next programme is near there.
22nd July 2019 - It has been a while since I swam at Delta. Don't know why it was SO CROWDED! I don't feel great swimming in a crowded pool. Oh well... I will just swim whatever I can.
25th July 2019 - I love swimming because I love when there is lesser crowd.
29th July 2019 - It has been a while since I went to AMK swimming pool for a good relax swim. This circle is a unique feature at AMK swimming pool. Too bad I can't take it at the eye level...
30th July 2019 - Hmm... Yes, having a swimming post for my blog is much much better. :) I will make one for jogging too! So I can have hiking, swimming, cycling and jogging as main topic.
31st July 2019 - I am not sure whether is it boring to see an untoned guy in trunk in a blog is a good thing or not. But one thing for sure on why I am doing that, when I got any older and eye-sore, this is a personal diary for my life experience. I did this to keep myself reminded that I tried and had been actively involved to workout in a cheaper and lonely way than going to gym to feel inferior, poor, draining and lousy of myself. If someone wants to judge me, they have all the rights to.
Anyway, is it that cleaner and more organised from randomness post?


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