Friday, July 12, 2019

Product - Black Monster I am

Hi Blog,

I have been busy these days, so sorry I didn't have time to blog. Today I purchased some stuff which you might judge me greatly but I just want to give it a try. I bought this...

Products from Black Monster (link)
Actually, I want to get one product only but there is a great discount for buying together with others so I just gave it a try.
I got Lip Balm, Eye brow and Erasing pens
Start with a clean face - okay, clean and shxtty skinned face
One of my problems is my eyebrow - Light, Cut and Weak eyebrow. There is a reason why I have my hair covered my eyebrow because of this reason...
Hmm... Interesting brush though... Let's see how it turns out to be
Natural and thicken :) Never see myself look so... disgusting before.
Next, I have some of my pores and red-spots on my cement face 
TATA! Erase my flaws pen!
Apply and smooth it out so that it will look evenly but... because I have a darker skin, it will look like I applied something on my flawed face.
Next, is my lousy lip
This lip balm got two colours - plain white and red. Hmm... Let's try the red one because the redness isn't the Ladies type.
Just a slightly redder
Hmm... Somehow I feel this dude is already handsome himself to look great but not like me - average and plain.
Conclusion... I am still looked like a crap. I guess a good looking person is born and carried good gene themselves. Nothing in this world can change this fact.
I will use those time to time especially the eyebrow pen. I will apply it daily. I will love to have a thick eyebrow so that I won't feel pathetic at myself.

Overall, Black Monster products are for men but you can get it from any cosmetic shops. maybe my pride won't feel comfortable to test or try ladies products. So I will get from Black Monster or get my mother to buy for me in the future.


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