Sunday, July 21, 2019

Personal - Forthlon

Hi Blog,

Today was Sunday. I thought of planning to catch up with people but none of them have time so I decided to spend outdoor. I had a plan is to have 'For'thlon today!

What is Forthlon? You see Triathlon is a multisport race with three continuous endurance races. For me, I will do Swimming, Cycling, Hiking and Jogging today. Maybe not continuously but to engage four different sports together.
Since I can't take many pictures at the pool, so it will be just that.

After swim, I rushed back home and geared up for my next activity.
Oh dear... My camera battery was low; I shall charge it for a while, meaning some resting time for me.
Alright, It was hot and I was ready.
My waifu was ready!
Let's GO!
I cycled to Seng Kang and waiting for Mr K. Since we had agreed to go for a hike, I will hike with my waifu slowly.
Lucky the sun gave some mercy to me and it was a cool weather to hike.
I just simply dragged my waifu
Best was, lesser crowd during the noon time.
Hmm... I recalled the wonderful memory when my friends and I cycled together. So sad to see it was dead...
I think I will have to maintain my cycling workout, if I don't... Fat will catch up.
This red bridge is filled with memories.
I will come here again
Stormy weather ahead but Mr K and I just continued our hiking
Huawei really helps me a lot on taking pictures from far.
Here we are! Coney Island. It had been a while since my last hike (link) on 2016. Not sure what is the new change.
But at least lesser visitors smooth me out.
It seemed like the pavement is cemented.
High tide and not suitable for beach visit today
I asked Mr K to help me to take pictures, I guess he just doesn't like it.
But I was surprised that he wanted to try my camera new function.
Portrait mode and the result was amazing.
I heard thunder roaring
About to rain sooner so we better double up
Rain started to pour but not heavy one.
I decided to cycle home first before the rain caught me. I was thinking whether should I go for a slow jog...

I decided! Let's do it! Slowly!
Let's go! Plus I need to complete the theme too.
Perhaps I found a new theme too.
One more of this, I will have completed my next Trisuit Theme! :D
Peaceful evening sky - I felt so tired now... But the sky gave me some strength to push myself.
Sometimes, loneliness is always there even when you are with someone else.
Whether I can accompany myself or not. I guess I am for now.
Like I mentioned before, sooner, I won't be wearing trisuit by 45 and when my body goes shxtty mode. But I will continue to jog/hike/swim/cycle whenever I can.
Thanks Heaven for blessing me.
What a Fulfilling Forthlon! :D


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