Thursday, July 25, 2019

Personal - Happy Birthday to me

Hi Blog,

You know today is a special day for me? Today is my birthday! :D

My colleagues hosted a mini celebration for July babies - Nor and me.
Honestly, I felt so happy to feel like a sense of belonging working together. Credit goes to our school leader and my colleagues who accepted me as part of the team.
Aww oh my... Mrs M bought me fruits and mini rainbow cake as my bday gift. So kind of her. :3
I also got Bday card from my school leaders.
Aww... thanks for your best wishes.
Mr D heard that today is my Bday, he went and drew this for me. Just like last year, Thank you for this impressive drawing.
After a heavy lunching, after work, I went for a short swimming session.

Honestly, Swimming is my favourite sport among all. I really love the feeling of how the water 'hugging' and 'embracing' me.
Dinner time, I went to Quality hotel and had a simple dinner session with my family.

Thank you ZN for buying this :)
It is great to have a simple lunch and dinner during my bday.
Come, Zn, let's take picture together.
I have to breathe in before my shirt button pop-off from my fat tummy.
:D beautiful cake!
Because Nor was mc yesterday, they didn't cut the cake yesterday so they decided to do so today.
Thank you, my colleagues aka my friends.
Thank you JS (my ex-student) for bringing this cake :)
My Bday is just a normal day. Nothing special beside... increase of my level... Now onwards, I am level 4! 40 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Sorry did not know was your birthday. Happy belated birthday.Busy with my kitchen renovation and did not go through your blog. Had a wonderful time with your family; colleagues and friends. All the best to you and always be smiling.


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