Monday, August 29, 2016

Personal - Taking Photos with Dxmai Pri Pupils

Hi Blog,

Today I was asked to help to take photos for celebrating with Teachers' Day, which I will have to print out for any teachers in the pictures. Oh boy.......

Getting ready of the setup

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Blog - Jump Break Function in Blogger

Hi Blog and readers,

After many researches online from Wordpress template, blog advises from experts and changes of HTML code here and there, I finally found the right function which can implement "Read more" link option in your blog than showing FULL post.

Here I decided to spread this to the world! That function is Jump Break, I found this news (link) about it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Blog - Expandable Post Summaries Method

Hi Blog and readers,

FINALLY I found a method which can make a summary post on blog and allow readers to click on 'Read More' link if they are interested when especially my boring posts usually are lengthy which will kill off any readers (if there is even any).

Monday, August 22, 2016

Cook - My Omelette Cooking Experience

Hi Blog,

I love eggs so much, I will try to cook dishes with eggs. There is one which I will challenge myself, is Japanese Omelette.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Personal - Celebrating Three Boys Birthday

Hi Blog,

This post is a short one to share my experience on organizing a surprise party for three birthday brothers.

Happy Birthday BoPo, Xuanyi and Nigel!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Swimming - Bump to Jamster

Hi Blog,

On this Saturday swimming was quite impromptu with W, after my visit to World Farm to get my VFT, we decided to go for a short swim during 3-5pm when not crowded too.

Look at the crowd. Best time to swim!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Swimming - Swimming with my new Kaki

Hi Blog,

I have been swimming with W, D and L quite often, they have become my swimming kakis aka buddies. Sometimes how I wish I can mix different circles of my friends together, and recently one of my friends, W decided to join my swimming kakis. 

Greeted by the morning sun. :3

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Cycling - Celebrate Singapore's 51 Birthday

Hi Blog,

After spending three days of Intensive research with Google Map to map my plan of cycling around Singapore, purpose is to celebrate Singapore 51st birthday. Finally the day has come! I decided to execute my route on 8/8/2016 Monday Night and should complete before 9/8/2016 Noon, which is Singapore National Day. I was accompanied by Xuanyi and Alan to complete the route. 

Blessed with nice evening sky - no sight of raining in next few hours.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Swim - Short Swim and Catch up session

Hi blog,

Today was a short post and just went for a short swim whether I can and most important is to catch up with my swimming kaki.

I know I don't look great, well, it is just for my own record and encouragement. Jia you in maintaining!


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Personal - Simple Celebration for Junhong

Hey Blog,

Let me introduce one of my bros who we knew one another for more than 20 years, G. Despite of our age gap for more than 10+ years, EK, he and I used to hang out together, and today was his birthday. So EK and I decided to surprise him with a simple surprised birthday pancake! yes Pancake. :D

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Personal - Sending My Roommate Back to China

Hey Blog,

Tonight my family and I were sending my roommate, Zhaoqi back to his country. He was my roommate and worked in Singapore for more than six years.