Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Cycling - Celebrate Singapore's 51 Birthday

Hi Blog,

After spending three days of Intensive research with Google Map to map my plan of cycling around Singapore, purpose is to celebrate Singapore 51st birthday. Finally the day has come! I decided to execute my route on 8/8/2016 Monday Night and should complete before 9/8/2016 Noon, which is Singapore National Day. I was accompanied by Xuanyi and Alan to complete the route. 

Blessed with nice evening sky - no sight of raining in next few hours.
Getting ready after nearly two months no cycling.
My mother was a bit worried due to during that date was Hungry Ghost festival which is a taboo to stay out late especially our route include cycled by grave.
Anyway, I had decided so I will do it!
Get ready in my Tron suit. Let's Go!
Carry my water bag, power bank with a speaker to play some music.
We met up at Punggol Red bridge and took our first wefie before setting off.
I heard Xuanyi met some troubles to meet up with us, he sensed something was stopping him from cycling - things like he forgot to take certain stuff when he was out, forgot to lock the door, and lost his way before meet up with us. Hmmmmm I started to worry.... anyway...

We cycled past my ex-workplace and together with my ex-pupil, Alan.
:) Thank you Alan and PVPS
Pray for a safe trip!
Along the way to Changi Village, we found a wallet on the floor, Xuanyi decided to cycle back to return to a man whom we cycled past him not long ago. Great attitude to return to him because there were cash and important cards inside. Lucky for that guy. :)

Thanks Xuanyi for bringing banana during the trip!
Another Wefie together at Changi Village. :D
Along the way from Changi, down to Changi Airport road to East Coast, my butt hurt a lot! I had difficulty cycled at ease... the numbness slowed me and others down... Thanks God they understand and allowed me to rest and cycle slowly...

Managed to make it around 45% of the route
Thanks for a passerby for this wefie shot at 45% completion.
Finally we arrived to the city area at 12am.
Look how beautiful Singapore is.
 Yes Wefie is a Must here.

Thanks Xuanyi for this picture :3
After we cycled past Marina Barrage to City area, this was where I worried and I have not cycled here before, all I based on is aerial view of  a map to determine our direction. And worst of all, Xuanyi's bicycle got punctuated! He has no choice but to leave his bike in the city and took a cab home.

Now this was why he got all the bad signs before meeting but to think about it,  It is a blessing in disguise, imagine if he cycled to West side where no vehicle and no place for him to park his bike. Maybe it is the Best outcome of the Worst! Thanks God for this experience.

the distance that Xuanyi had covered.
Left Alan and I continued our adventure to the West, I struggled and felt my padding in my tight is so thin and no protection at all... Disappointed....

But at least we had a heart to heart talk together and eventually we managed to complete the whole route safety!

I asked Alan to come to my place to rest and returned home during evening time.
The total distance and time (excluding stop)
Our LOVE to Singapore
Happy Birthday Singapore!

After a few hours of resting, I had to send Alan back to red bridge so I tried out another new cycling jersey with thick padding. 

Red and White - Singapore Flag!
I cycled at ease!
Conclusion, my Tron cycling padding wore off.... It is time for me to get a new one and padding for long distance cycling is a MUST! I think I will do it again. :)


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