Saturday, May 21, 2016

Personal - Selfie Failed

Hi Blog,

Today there was something funny which I decided to share with you. Now I was on my way to attend my cousin's wedding.

Looking old. hahaha every time when i attended someone wedding... I always feel old....oh well...Only blog you care.
Quite often I received questions from my friends, asking me how I do my own picture and who is the person helping me to capture the shoot. I tried to keep it as a secret because there isn't anyone helping me taking picture... It is embarrassed to ask anyone to take pics for me... In my mind, only the worthy ones like model or someone who look great can get someone to take their pics.... For me... I can only do it on my own. Oh well... #foreveralone XD

Anyway in this post, I decided to share with you that at times I do failed in doing the selfie for myself. During the tea ceremony, I found a quiet swimming pool, I wanted to have a reflection of myself so I set my phone on a timer and settled it on a platform, then RUN!

LOL! 10 sec for me to run to another side of the pool was too much for me.
oh dear! hahaha I know I am fat so can't run fast.
Everytime I checked the outcome, I will select the best shoot and for this time, if it is a failed shot, I will just remove it and forget it, or I will adjust the camera and retry.

I got this.
Then I will crop it to help to make it nicer.

Sometimes I will try landscape or portrait. 
just to look cool which I am not.
Hahahaha... Well... it is just the behind the scene post. Hope to share with you.


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