Monday, May 2, 2016

Cycling - Ride to Marina Barrage

Good morning Blog, 

Monday no work! Yippee! I was completely attached to my warm bed and hoping it rains so that I can laze further. Well, wrong thoughts to have, eventually the morning was a sunny and cool, so just had to pick myself up and dressed up. 

It reminded me of Saitama, how he trained himself, persistent is the key to be strong. 

Morning Selfie :)
Filled up my water bag and matched my first cycling jersey - red, black and white design. I Cycled to Bishan park to meet Shengjie (know him for 20+ years already), he will be my guide of way to barrage.

Finally Arrived
After cycled along familiar roads/park connectors - Bishan to Kallang, Shengjie took another direction toward west - golden mall direction, cycled along kallang park connector where I got to see Nicole highway station. (Mourned the heroic act of someone who ensured everyone left the dangerous site before the whole thing collapsed...)

After awhile, we came to this F1 racing track! OMG, this is my first time visiting the site, and an empty track. 

Oh my! Thanks God for such beautiful sky
Check out those sponsors or brands for the racing car.
I just stood there imagining I am doing the race!
Cheer for Fattie!
This is Jeff, no one sponsored him for the race.
The only racing tool is his Fattie!
Next just beside F1 track, we came to Singapore Flyer! Speaking about first time, this is also my first time looking at Singapore flyer during day time and by cycling.

Flyer! Yippee!
Finally found a way to make my bike stand on its own.
yes Selfie is a must!
Just beside Singapore Flyer is MBS, the ship above the building. 

 I can't believe I can make it to this place.
Yes Wefie! (failed shot)
Try different place
After cycling by Garden by the Bay (have not gone to that place before), we had come to Marina Barrage. 

Funny encounter along the way to Garden by the Bay, One of the passerby commented on our bikes, they said it is funny to see how extreme our bikes are - Fat tires and small thin ones.

Anyway... There is a purpose why we cycled to barrage, was to do a photo hunt for the teens during June. I noticed a lot of joggers and cyclists will cycle along Marina Barrage, it seemed like the new park made this happened. :)

Interesting sculpture   
Sunny weather
Peacefully kites flying activities
One of my favourite shot 
Overall view of Marina Barrage
Finally we found a spot for the teens to gather :) And managed to find 33 different things for the photo hunt. 
two extreme bikes
Finally I can take a break
Then we cycled back to my block and had a good meal at Adam Taste.

Total time: 3hr 30 mins for nearly 30km
Yes I got sun tan 
hahaha I love the tan line.
Will explore somemore new places :)


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