Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Personal - A Bit of Touch-up

Hi Blog, 

Today I decided to do some touch up on my Iron-man Mouse and iPhone casing with this permanent marker pen with a fine tip. Usually I will use this to enhance the line works of a toy - Zoids. Most of my Zoids will go through this line drawing before I built them. It will give me a Great visual once the lines are drawn. Let me give you an example below.

I borrowed this pen from a teacher because mine was gone...
Iron Man Mouse
I realised that its mouth part is not obvious enough .

a pic without line drawn
Let's start!
End result. :)
What do you think?
Iron Man iPhone Casing
Currently I bought this casing, it is kind of bulgy but the cool design is the main attraction.

Plain looking casing.
Let's draw some lines.
How? You like?
Honestly for me, I Love it. :3
With some effort on detail can make a GREAT difference and feel.

It shines!
Hmmmm... I have Iron Man head and body... What is next?............ Oh yes :3 A thumbdrive! :D

Image credit to whoever owns this.
I think I am in the midst of Marvel Craze...


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