Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cycling - Visit The Secret Society Inc, Bike Store

Hi blog,

June school holiday is coming, I start to think of cycling to work, and personally feel my bike needs some servicing so I recalled the seller, Milan told me to visit Secret Society Inc for servicing. So today evening I decided to drop by that place and take a good look of that place. 

After searching online for its address, and the bus direction, I reached to a weird place which doubt I will visit there without a purpose. There isn't any bike store which named secret society (even though there is one or two bike stores around) so I have to trace it by actual address and I found it!

Mystery black door
I hesitated awhile, trying to break our conventional mindset of certain stuff/matter, Since they named themselves as secret society inc, meaning they had already broken the conventional idea of a bike store.

stair to hmmm 
The moment when I opened the door, the feeling of secret society is so strong. Hahaha... It is a normal residential area. Ah! I see! They used part of their house to make business. :) smart smart. Work at home. (That is my dream which I have part of my house growing carnivorous plants - VFT, as part of my job. Oh well....)

Look at all the awesome Fatbikes! Oh man! After that, there was a man stepped out and asked me why I am here? Honestly I felt that I was intruding the place after I told him my intention and he replied back, I should make a call before coming. Oh well.... So anyone who is reading this, make sure you have a conversation via email/call, or get someone (who is known by the boss/staff) to accompany you.

Yes? Blog. Oh what is my intention? Actually I have a few questions about Fatbike - price of servicing, how long it will take and misc like the new type of rim.

After I got my second fatbike, I saw a few new rim for fatbike - One is Tri-Spoke rim and another one is carbon rim.

image from nextie
I saw this rim from the seller, Milan (he is rich)
Nice traditional style for a bike
image from reddit
I saw this from Reddit
what a wicked look!
The boss brought out the Nextie carbon rim and told me this cost S$1800. OMG.... :( I feel so small.... then followed by the tri-spoke price, same price as carbon rim.

They looks awesome to be honest.
I asked why the price is the same? He explained that the Tri-spoke will include the hub and the metal thingy, as for the carbon rim can suit into the current hub/or might need to upgrade the hub. He also added in, if anything happened to Tri-spoke rim, you will have to change everything. I asked which one will be the popular choice for his buyers. He replied depend on the buyer, he will pick carbon over trispoke.

The carbon fame!
I told him that my fatbike fame is like this type, he claimed the seller bought the low-end carbon fame (primary entry) Honestly.... initially, I felt so insulting... but to think again, I can only afford entry level fame, so I should not think so much over it and accepted the fact.

Next I asked him about servicing, it will be S$80-120 and will take two days to complete, so instruct me to make a call first.

His name is Zac.
Initially, I do want to upgrade my bike. But to think again, do I really NEED it?
  • First of, cycling is just a hobby for me, for me to exercise.
  • I am no professional.
  • I am not wealthy or born with sliver spoon inside my throat.
  • Can I offer such thing?
  • So what do I gain from upgrading?
  • Is there other important things which I can buy than this?
I realised it is a WANT than a NEED. There is nothing to be shamed of, for owning a normal cheapo entry level fatbike? All I want, is to ride and be cool. Not getting those awesome wheel to look even cooler. All I need is a servicing. So yeah, I will just go for servicing. :)
Thanks God. I am calm and stay focus on my steps.



  1. Hi Jeff, I would like to know if this shop is still opened? I visited frankel, but can't seem to find it. Thanks!

    1. oh? Hi there,
      Hmmm Ajid, from what I know, it is quite a challenge to locate the place and stall, as you can see the location is challenging.

      But I remembered that they told me to contact them first via facebook, then arrange. Maybe you can try that?

      Hope it helps. :)


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