Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Design - 16 Clean Plate Campaign

Hi Blog,

A short post for today.

Today I grinned behind the scene as what had happened going as my plan. Hahahah...

On April, I was asked to design 16 cards for Clean Plate Campaign for pupils to earn the cards. What they need to do is, they clean up their plate and return it properly, get a card then they will have to pass this card to monitor in class for record (so that they can reuse the cards for the next day). Purpose is to promote APPRECIATION AND KINDNESS.

So I saw the design done by somebody wasn't interesting enough so I decided to spend some time to include some cute designs on the plate on each card, you know to make it interesting than plain old design.

Aren't they cute? :3 too bad, I wanted to change the font type but nah... Let it pass. Hope the campaign can have positive impact to the kids.

Until 5th May, we received this email.

hahahaha! How nice they keep it as private collection! XD The sense of achievement! hahahah! Then today, I got this email.

OMG! EPIC Outcome! They really keep it as collection! XD HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

My plan works! now they have to print somemore! WAHAHAHAHAHA!

Anyway.... There are positive and negative aspects - seem like I am taking the selfish side because the teachers will have to go through the trouble to print and laminate somemore cards. Okay... I should repent. *grin*


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