Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Personal - Bonding with PVPS Alumni

Hey Blog,

Monday happened to be a school holiday, but as non-school staff, I will have to come back and work. Sad life? Hahaha no. I am used to it. :) It is better to come back to work, if my workplace is near my home, it will be even better.

Anyway, Monday I took half day off to attend the gathering with PV alumni. It was exciting to see the members of PV alumni again. So today it will be a brief summary of what we are doing there.

First, Mrs Yap bought a birthday cake for Mr Choo to celebrate his belated birthday. 
Sang him a birthday song.
Mr Choo is one of the nicest teachers in PV. :)
I am glad he is in the alumni.
What a shy and polite person.
After this, we had a discussion about Mid Autumn Festive and hosted by Alumni members. This year they still want the haunted house concept to rise the fund, but due to some concerns in the past so the name of the haunted house changed to House of Horror. (honestly I don't see any great difference but Haunted House sounds like a place which is haunted. As for house of horror, is like a place which store hosts/displays horror than haunted.)

I thought of be the part of the horror, wanted to cosplay Pyramid Head from Silent Hill (below)

I looked through YouTube and store for the price of it... Oh man.......
Online site which sells the costume costs nearly $500 excluding shipping fee.
So I decide to craft it.... Here are the youtube links.

I realised.... I don't have the skill to make it and I doubt my house will have any space for it.... So I have to come out Plan B.

After discussion, Mrs Yap wanted us to help her out to design some painted paper plate artworks for School of Record.

Everyone busy painting and laughed at one another.

Posted with our artwork. :)
Hope to gather again, my pupils.


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