Thursday, May 19, 2016

Product - Iron Man Mouse

Hey Blog,

yesterday I got myself an Iron Man mouse replica at $17. Cheap and still look good. :3

actual product here.
After touch and feel... I understand I am getting an imitation but as compare to the rest of the imitations, I feel mine isn't that bad at all. Below are some other different Iron man mouse designs sold in the market (made from China and images are not owned by me)

The one which I got, come with Sliver and Black version. Hmmm
personally the black one looks cooler!
This one looks more like a Transformer than Iron Man....
But very nice futuristic design.
Quite similar to the one I got, but just nah...
But the black one does look great if I don't think it is an Iron man mouse.
Oh Come on! 
Very COOL design with Iron Man theme
No no no... too cheap looking....
Anyway... whatever mouses design they come out with, cannot compare to the original Iron man Mouse.

Look at how serious they are. I found one in one of the Nex store.

it costs $126 for a mouse... 
So.................................. for that price on a mouse unless I am rich, if not, it will be a display set for me. But the price does come with quality, look at the grossness of the mouse and compare to mine, cheap plastic, and look at the eyes of the head - it is nicely covered with white translucence plastic, better than mine.

I can only stare at it and admire on the screen....
okay blog, I will just enjoy using the mouse, I only want to spice up my desk and sooner, I will get my imitation Iron man phone casing to match my cheap mouse.

~Update on 25/7/2016~
My Iron Man Mouse went low battery as I usually switched on full with LED light and it can only last me for two months.

Now I am trying without switching on the LED light, maybe it will last me longer? :D and yes they last longer like six - seven months.

~Update on 22/8/2017~

My Iron Man was officially announced its death date, as it decided to commit suicide and thank you ironman mouse for serving me for almost two years. My pupils loved you a lot.


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