Thursday, October 15, 2015

Personal - New Sport Goggles and Blue

Hi Blog,

Just some update for this week. 

Early Thursday morning, I had to go for my CT scan for my Kidney stones. Nothing much but I overlooked the timing of my appointment. I thought it was 10am, but from the sms which they sent me, is 745am. WHAT?! Lucky they have an empty slot for me. So All I do is to wait. 

When through the painless CT-scan, now have to wait for report.

On the same day evening, I went down to Ang Mo Kio, and try out a sport goggle. :) It fits me well with my spectaculars.  

It costs me $19. Hmmm.... come and think of it......... Why do I need that for??? waste money... -_-'''

Oh Yes, Blog, do you remember my first Wife - Blue? yes I have been riding her, thanks to my neighbour allows me to ride her to work. I realised that She last longer than Whitey (2nd bike) now she was gone...... Thanks Blue to be there for me. 

Pose with Blue :) I will treat nicely and show you Blackie one day.


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