Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Movie Review - The Martian

Hi Blog,

Another Sci-fic movie was OUT, the Martian! YIPPEE! I asked my friends to watch it, but none of them interested. Lucky Louis jio-ed "asked/invited" me for a movie session,

From the trailer, it was VERY WELL DONE! It is like Cast-away but this time it was on Mars! In the beginning, I thought it will be about Martian (below).

And after knowing that it was directed by Ridley Scott (the director who made the movies - Aliens) So I thought the movie might turn out to be like this (below) too.

I was wrong because they got Matt Damon be the main cast for the movie, Martian. So it will turn out to be a GOOD MOVIE! I remembered I had been watching his movies when I was young, like Good will hunting (my favourite), The talented Mr Ripley, Saving Private Ryan, Jason Bourne, and even Interstellar etc.

Good Will Hunting
Jason Bourne
Saving Private Ryan
Talented Mr Ripley

The Martian
Okay! let's go straight to review, the Martian. (if you need to read for more detail of the storyline, click here)

The Martian is one of the few movies which I have NO negative over it throughout the whole movie session! After followed Honest Trailer and CinemaSins, my movie-critics cells will be harsh toward nonsense movies with obvious plot-holes and illogical, convenient happenings.

The whole crew shot
I was amazed and impressed by the storyline of Martian, initially I was wondering how will the director made a flat, lifeless environment exciting and how they find such place to film? Don't tell me it will CGI throughout?

Lifeless place - Mars
To be honest, I was totally "into" the environment, I don't see/feel any CGI effect while watching it! It feels so REAL!

Where is this place?
The sand feels so real
Apart from the realistic feel, the YouTube-conversation style worked very well in this movie. Unlike cast-away, Matt Damon was like a YouTuber doing his normal daily sharing of his challenges which made us feel so "alive".  

The director did a great job to put Science (I meant REAL science) into this movie, unlike other movies which created and denied physic totally. The challenges that the Matt Damon will face and how he faced it, as if we are facing it with him too. 

Things like unpredictable storm or accident, left out by his crew, living alone, trying to keep himself alive with limited resources - food and water, plan to contact Earth, and only LOUSY music to keep him entertained - LOL! These are REAL challenges!

Find ways to solve food problem by growing his own food.
Unpredictable accidents - which means GG in life
His crew thought that he was dead.
Alone in this lifeless planet - can fap with no worries
Counting the number of days 
Trying to make contact with Earth and it will take days/hours just to send a simple message back and fore.
With those life-threatening events, he didn't give up. He just never give in to the situation, if it happened to us, we would have given up already. What made it so REAL - is usually we watched Superheroes movies, they rely on their superpower strength or whatever to save themselves or others. 

Captain strong responsibilities made us feel attached 
People who worked behind the rescue mission - leave themselves unknown
But In the movie Martian, he used his knowledge - Science, Math and Botany-knowledge to solve his own problems, and combined with other people's strengths to make impossible possible! We can be "super"heroes ourselves by tapping on our own strengths, that makes us REAL and so do this movie. 

The crazy plan they come out with, but with extreme situation, you need to make extreme decision. 
The Martian movie also helped to bring out the positive aspects of human - when everyone united as one. Work together as one. Share the joy and worries as one. I really hope it is REAL for the greater future - where countries and people have no boundary and share their resources. (I don't wish to spoil further)

You know something, I learned one of the MOST important life hack from this movie is - Duct tape! It is proven, duct tape is one of the essential items for surviving. Okay! time to buy a duct tape to play bondage! Just kidding! hahaha.. But you will see the amount of duct tape he used in that movie.

Oh yes! One more thing I need to mention is the Humor aspects in this movie - example - Do a Barrel Roll and Selected Song lyrics, synced perfectly! PLUS points for it! Funny thing was only Louis and I got the jokes most of the times and while the rest just kept quiet. Hmmmmmmm maybe because it was joke during our time or for gamer.

Okay! The Martian has NOTHING for me to criticize on, except we are not familiarized with the crew yet. They showed up a few mins in the beginning scenes and absent until one hour later. I have no idea who was doing what, Can't remember any face of the crew beside Michael Peña. So....... there is about it! :D Positive movie review!


Overall: 4.8/5 - It is a wonderful and great movie so far (apart from inside out, as it is an animation) it has great message (about the challenges that we faced and attitude toward our problems), great plot (I have not spotted any plot holes so far!), great jokes and acting! And the hope for humanity of working together. It shows HOW IMPORTANT of MATH in solving life challenges and Science.
It is a movie that you should not miss.

I don't own all images and credit those whoever own it

Here are the soundtrack and reviews by YouTubers of the Martian. Enjoy!

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