Thursday, October 1, 2015

Personal - Getting Fat...

Hi Blog,

Sigh........ I feel so "full" aka FAT. Welll.... I understand when we aged, we tend to get fatter, but.... I wish to slim down... 

Yesterday, I came across a Facebook post. (here is the link) - This Brutally Honest 4-Step Guide To Losing Weight Is Going Viral. He shared four steps on how to slim down.

There is one point which hits me - point 2. This is the third calling to divide our main meal into portions. First was from Jovin Koh. (link) he shared me about taking/divide into portion. Second was from website (link)

Look at me.... I am so fat........................ So I decided to test it myself. I can't go to gym..... I don't have time, and don't like the sight of STRONG FIT people around.... I feel so unworthy. (yeah... I know I am weak. So shut up!)

Let's give myself three months to take this method. I will bring a small Tupperware then eat the portion after two hours. Chinese saying - 少吃多餐 (you can google for more info)

Hmmmm.... despite of divided into portion, I feel the main plate still have a lot. Hmmm... oh well.. Awwwwwwww....... the lady boss gave me extra soup for free. :3 So sweet of her and thanks for her support!

Hope it works! FIGHTING! JEFF!



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