Saturday, October 17, 2015

Trip - Universal Studio Singapore Halloween Horror Nights 2015

Hi Blog,

Today is a trilling day for me, my army friend, Alvmax invited and treated me to go to USS Halloween Horror Night. Honestly, I won't spare a thought to go, not because I am scared, it is due to the amount of money spent... Not cheap though. Well.... really have to thank him for treating me.

Evil me! WAHAHA... not evil enough? LOL
Okay! Here are the sharing about USS Halloween Horror Night! (here is the link for more details)

Amazing introduction. This year Halloween was a bit special, they were trying to please an unique haunted theme which closely related to us locally than having vampires or zombies (more western undead creatures) They have themes for their haunted houses - HDB, MRT, Quarantine Zone and etc. Anyway, below here are some of the pictures which my army friend took for that day.

At The Entrance

There were FILLED with people, everyone was crowded at the main entrance trying to get in. There was Loud music playing like some sort of performance going on. But I am too short and squeezed between people, hardly see what is going on there. Beside this Voodoo man hanging doing something.

Lucky he didn't pee on the crowd
smoke everywhere
some weird costumes
Then after we managed to move away from the crowd. Here it was, the Blood Moon! I hope I can get the sound track of it. The music was so "Metal" and Hardcore. Everyone was busy taking pictures of it.

Look at the crowd!
okay! Seflie!
Look at the crowd!
Very cool costume :)
Everyone was queuing up to take pictures with him
Sometimes I wish i can try to wear a costume and pose for the crowd.
Hungry Ghosts - Scare Zone

Actually to the information about this zone, The Blood Moon caused a small remoted village where villagers used to perform rituals of the hungry ghost festival. In this zone, there were many "ghosts" come around and scared visitors. Hahaha... 

The entrance of Hell House
This big statues stood right infront of the entrance.
and took a picture with this blue character. :D
Funny thing was he just stood there motionlessly and scared unexpected visitors.
Saw this auntie acted as ghost but got ignored. so......
I politely asked her to take a picture with me. :D
I decided to scare some people.
and yes! I managed to scare some people XD
She must be warm under this costume. Thank you.
Alvmax! Don't touchy! Later she bites you!
Why are you crying blood?
Why aren't you clean your mouth?
FOUND SOME GHOST hiding here.
scary under low lighting.
Uncle taking his job professionally :)
Don't touch me... :3
interesting paper car in life-size
hmmmm should take it without flash
I wonder why this one is scary...
hmmmm at night, it might be scary
where is the blue creature?
weapons for?
red and blue lighting - weird colour mixed


The Invaders - Scare Zone

This is one of my favourite zone, where you will see some weird unusual costumes. That zone is about some extraterrestrial race used the cover of the Blood Moon eclipse to invade Earth. 

Don't shoot me! I am no Alien!
Nice :D
Love to dress up as one
"Kind" creature pose for the visitors.
awesome design :D
blur. hahaa

on the Left side is normal queue and right is express.
Beside visiting the Scare zones and haunted houses. We can access to the rides too! I have so much fun enjoying the rides due to the express pass. So getting an express pass is a must, because I had bad experience for just queuing. VERY BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anwyay :) Express pass is Good and POWERFUL!.

Pose for the Night
Don't 'Miss' me while I 'capture' the moment for this night. Oh yes! I also found a walkthrough video for HHN5. :) enjoy!

I realised that I had been scaring other visitors by pretending to be scared
and stamped on the floor so hard during the scrolling in the haunted house. I am a Minion myself XD 
I had a fun night, but warning! It will be better to have someone drive to this event. If not, you will have to fight for taxi cab with hundreds of people - that was SCARIER.

This plushie caught my attention. SO Cute and white :D
wanted to buy for my cousins, but they already have it :)

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