Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Personal - Won a Mini AOT prize

Hi Blog,

I found a mini AOT contest hosted by Encorefilms - Snap, Post and Win!

There were many AOT character standees at Tampiness Mall. I scanned through the users who participate in this contest, I have an idea! So instead of, pose normally beside the standee, why not we make a story from it?

I felt so embarrassed when there were passerby checking on me.... I wanted to pose with other standees.... but my balls aren't big enough to do so... So I shall stick to these two. Then I put in caption.

Hahaha... What do you think of my idea? Days later.............. Encorefilms PM me!

YIPPEE!!!!!!!!! I WON!!!!!!! Here is the item! A long AOT face towel!

It seems like there are other designs!
Overview of the towel.
Okay! I promised I will gift this to Xuanyi. :) He will like it


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