Thursday, October 8, 2015

Personal - Good Bye to my beloved Blue-Shirt

Hey Blog.....

I have to tell you that one of my favourite blue shirt which I bought online since 2010, I can't wear it anymore... because I am getting fatter :,( So I decided to gather all my pictures (le me in blue shirt) from my phone for this post as a tribute of how much I love this shirt. 

Taken around 2011, looked how slim I was.... So sad I got fat...
I bought that blue shirt because of its unique collar. I have certain interest with COOL, straighten-upright collar. I don't know where I can get it anymore........

2010 a picture where we went for award.
Love the shirt because it fit me well. Hmmmm ya ya, that is tight!
To be honest, I like slightly "fitter" shirt than tight. I don't like loose shirt.
That blue shirt (okay okay tight blue shirt) will always match my blue pant. OKAY!Tight blue pant. It is like that! I like it. :P
Actually there was a hidden agenda for me despite of many people claimed it is too tight for me,
which was to remind me I can't go anymore fatter than this state. So either I slim down or blow up like blob.
but usually I had to breathe in to pose. LOL if not, that tummy was OMG. TT^TT
What wrong with fitting shirt or attire? you jelly? LOL
Just me in massaging chair. 
This was taken in 2014. It seemed okay. heck care what others said!

2014, when I got my first wife - Blue, matched my outfit.

I cleaned up my desk, leaving PV. Breathe in for the last shot.

Meeting up with Didi, OLY. Sadly... this was our last picture and meet up........ I guessed that I was very Blue-ish (emotional over certain ex-pupils changed of attitude and leaving all the FAKE promises...)
At least some who really showed their appreciation. :) Thank you. 
last shot at the bus stop with blue.
2015, in Dxmxi Primary school. My first shot in the same old attire, outside computer lab.
My FIRST test with the Gopro! Make me feel like a giant!
TITAN ATTACK! look how small the bike is. GoPro is fun but difficult to use - no preview screen.
I realised that I had slimmed down abit. but...........
Breathe in.....
but After CNY of 2015, my tummy gave way! :,( FAT FAT!
My body is getting bigger and fatter.... I think I am aging.... Below were my LAST shot (last day) of me wearing the blue shirt...

Fat, right?
breathe in also no use...
Let's pose for the last time!

So I went to Tampines Mall, H&M to change the blue shirt immediately.

So I bought this stripped blue shirt but it seems like it is no different from my previous one.
So sad..............
Check out the wavy strips
At least it is not that tight anymore. right?
Most importantly, it matches my blue pant.
My favourite Blue Shirt
2010 ~ 2015.
Good bye.... TT^TT


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