Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Blog - May Overview

Hi Blog,

You know in May, a nerd like me, and not even a fan, will like one of the days in May? And do you know which day?

Quite happened during Apr - a lot of swimming and explorations. Will the month of May be that busy too? I don't know.
I will try to come out with something different which I had prepared for a long time.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Personal - Tuas TV again

Hi Blog,

Today I had an uncomfortable moment and hesitated to draft my blog... but I managed my emotions and continued to fight through it... I won't say I can fight against it by publicising my blog.

More like I will take things slow now. Thinking maybe I can take this opportunity to test my Insta360 on my new kit.
Today was an exciting trip for me because I got a chance to visit my favourite place - Tuas TV World again. One of my posts (here), was one of the highly viewed blog posts and this time round, I will keep it simple and direct.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Personal - Suits for the Theme #79

Hi Blog,

Looking through my trisuit theme collection and getting ready to post one. I realised that, this one was a history.

Yes, a trisuit theme with my plants during the pendamic.
They grew so beautifully but due to this lousy grower aka myself, I can only blame myself that I don't have an optimized growing condition for these plants... Now they were either gone or grow lousily... My passion of growing plants seem to die too...

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Personal - Mr Sun's Island

Hi Blog,

I took a leave to go to my favourite place - Lazarus Island. Supposedly to go with a friend but he got covid and finding someone to take up a slot is not easy too. So I decided to bring Mr Sun with me.

Epic morning shot - there was a Godzilla roaming the sky.
I decided to take this opportunity to heal myself. Mr Sun let's go!

Monday, May 1, 2023

Hiking - Searching for the Searchlight

Hi Blog,

It was great to have a long weekend, especially on Monday, to reduce Monday's blue effect. Today, I was invited to join a group by WS and S to look for some locations which I had yet to find.

Getting ready and becoming a lesser eye sore but still eye sore.
As titled, they told me that today they will try to cover as many as they can. Let's see what it is and what I missed.