Monday, January 30, 2023

Blog - January Overview

Hi Blog,

Wow... 2022 was over. Time really flies! From my nuisance posts in the beginning where I was trying to find meaning of blogging until now I can't stop blogging. I guess it is the joy and journey of self-discovery.

Struck in the web of loop but definitely breaking away from it slowly.

Let's see what January had installed for me.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Hiking - West Side of Keppel Hill

Hi Blog,

After yesterday's hike with Mr L and his friends to visit the Great Banyan Tree and a new discovery (for me) beside Keppel Reservoir, I decided to go on my own today.

Thanks, Heaven didn't rain in the morning.
Nowadays, there is nothing new and exciting location in Singapore so any newer places are always exciting for me. (I just have to stop visiting abandoned building locations)

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Personal - Suits for the Theme #73

Hi Blog,

New year old theme, every month I will try to post my trisuit theme which I had gathered while jogging to cycle my trisuits. It's a long journey to get to #73.

This theme will be at the bamboo.
Honestly, barely got any view for my trisuit theme. (isn't the same for the rest of the posts?) Yes, I just journal it. Who knows one fine day I won't be wearing my beloved trisuit when I aged, so for now, treasure the present.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Hiking - 2023 First Hike

Happy 2023 Blog,

I was half motivated and half tired today but since it was a good sunny morning, I should not waste the opportunity.

So where shall I be hiking then? Honestly, there was nothing new left to cover, but I will take it as a self-reflection hike.
Hence it will be a short mediocre hike like my future hikes.