Saturday, February 27, 2021

Blog - February Update

Hi Blog,

February! CNY is coming! Am I looking forwards for CNY?!... Laughed bitterly. Anyway, Life still goes on. I am just looking forwards to going oversea! Meanwhile, let's hope for a better 2021 for everyone.

I decided to make some changes to my Monthly Update post, I will park all my workouts here together with my randomness; any longer post will be a standalone post on its own.

1st Feb 2021 - First day of the month, I decided to wear my new leather shoes to work. Looked cool and nice, right? But I got to pay for a painful price... :(

1st Feb 2021 - It was rare to bump to ZN while he was actively dating his beautiful GF. So he asked to for a jog and why not? And started my new workout post with a cutie smile.

2nd Feb 2021 - Trisuit Theme #45
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2nd Feb 2021 - Trying to jog but somehow... My leg muscle started to sore and my tummy acid was rising too... I can't jog properly... I guessed... It might due to the drink (Avocado + banana milk) got me... so I ended up hiking for that day.

3rd Feb 2021 - Thanks goodness that my muscle sore and tummy discomfort didn't last me so that I can swim today! I wondered is there any way where I can snap pictures safely by the pool... I guess only when I have a nicer body than no one can say anything...

4th Feb 2021 - These few days, I can't have a good night rest because I scared that I overslept as I need to go for early work. I can somehow remember in my dreams, I was aware that I can only stay in the "dream" mode for a short while as I was trying not to stay at one location for too long and wanted to return to where I belong. Either I was an hour early or 30 mins early woke up to check my phone clock. Oh well... At least I was not late. Beautiful sunrise by the way :)

5th Feb 2021 - happy Birthday to our school leader. So funny that they pushed me to present the cake to surprise her. To think of it, I am glad to have a happy and healthy working bond with my fellow colleagues. Glad it works out well.

6th Feb 2021 - Early Sun Chaser
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9th Feb 2021 - Early morning, I sensed my back kind of sore. I found that feeling was rather familiarised, it was a kidney stone attack. Before I can't walk anymore due to pain started to grow... I went to the hospital myself without alerted my mother. All alone on the bed, waiting to be scanned and needle torture... Thanks goodness, I can handle the pain well and X-ray can't capture any stone, but through urine test - there was blood trace detected; so kidney stone was on its move. That explained why I felt pain while jogging on the 2nd Feb. Doctor suggested hospitalisation for further observation and scans but I don't think deep enough and opted for MC... Foolish me...

10th Feb 2021 - Medical Cutter Hike
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12th Feb 2021 - Happy New Year Blog! This year CNY seemed just meh. Oh well, at least there was something which entertained me which was to use Procreate to draw. Thanks Rf for giving me the tool and gift of app to draw again. It had been years since my last drawn (I missed out the Zodiac Pig and Rat), I think I will try to draw the two missed out Zodiac if I have time.

14th Feb 2021 - Captain America Costume Part 2
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14th Feb 2021 - Two days didn't go out for CNY visit. Today I went out to visit M and we had a simple lunching and gaming together. Just a simple catch up.

15th Feb 2021 - Today was 4th day of CNY when was off for everyone, but I will take my off for something else next time. :D Today cycled to work at a quiet place and at least I managed to catch some sun :)

16th Feb 2021 - Jogging finally. Tried to drink enough and in my tummy, I felt extremely bloated... Beside water retention, my Constipation​ issue still stay - I can feel a lot of gases... my Kidney still felt a bit of sore... Today jogging was not a good one... After I ended my jogging half way, my tummy was bloated so much that I can't even let go the gas and breathe in. I was like four months pregnant....

18th Feb 2021 - Sigh. After CNY... I tried so much to slim down but I can't... I just got fatter and fatter every day...every year. I know I can slim down if I just sacrificed some stuff. But the problem is that my constipation issue just kept getting worse... Some people told me to drink a lot of water... During these days while I have kidney stones, I drank a lot of water but I visited the toilet to pee more frequently than any solid output... Besides water retention bloatedness + lesser output bloatedness. I feel so shxtty... yeah tummy full of shxt. Shxtty person I am....

20th - 21st Feb 2021 - Two Combo hikes
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22nd Feb 2021 - Cutting the Wood Hike
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23rd Feb 2021 - What a Cloudless sky during the morning :3 Peaceful day

25th Feb 2021 - Bloated tummy and white trunk were an awful combination. Right? What to do? I look fat and ugly, trying hard to slim down... possessed bad genes and my love for white... Heck care! I just do whatever I like! I just want to feel GOOD!

26th Feb 2021 - WOW! YIPPEE! Sometimes, able to get something that can make you happy, is always therapeutic. I got myself an One-Punch-Man Limited edition shoes from Skecher. For me, I rarely like something so much, once there is an opportunity why not I get it? I know I am childish but I can't resist when I got a discount voucher to apply :D I realised the current shoes which I bought from Taiwan started to wear off. It will be my backup! get it before regretting it.

27th Feb 2021 - Need some Me-time
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