Monday, February 22, 2021

Hiking - Cutting the Wood Hike

Good morning Blog,

Today I took my CNY off, others will usually take this chance to sleep throughout the whole morning and relax at home. For me, as a fat growing person as what others judged me for, I decided to spend some time out to the wood. Happened to get Dongsaeng K to join the hike since he always wants to explore that secret trail where I will be going to.

Perfect weather for a good hike.
At least, there is someone who motivates me to have an activity at such early timing.
Have to drink up again.
Feeling bloated and fat too... sigh... Constipation is an issue and a sign...
Wah! Mr Sun! Too bright!
Let's get ready behind the door. Let Mr Sun wait for me outside.
Hope I am not late.
Heading to the west, opposite of what the commuters were heading to.
Arrived at Caschew Station and welcomed by our local Cow ads.
Rather empty station because people who stay around this station are the rich and 90% of them who owns a car.
hmmm... I guessed Dongsaeng K overslept... After waiting for an hour and only one grey tick checked on his whatsapp.
Time to move on by myself. yes, Mr Sun. Sorry to keep you waiting.
Let's go! Mr Sun.
I was thinking today should be a perfect day to go for a Southern Island visit! Oh well... Too late.
Since I was here then I should proceed.
Weekday morning hike is always peaceful and enough time for self-healing.
Let's heal together or alone... Hahaha
Back to this road again...
Will never give this tower a pass
I will definitely climb up this tower and greet the wood.
It seemed like Mr Sun was ahead of me.
Long way to go.
Good morning Wood!
Ah... I forgot to bring my tripod along... oh man.
Scary to look down. I always imagine that I fell off from a tall building...
A last picture with the wood before I proceeded.
Hmmm... I wonder when I can take a picture of a beautiful sunray through the wood.
Here we go again
Still with me?
I feel like today I will explore a different trail.
Perfect dry ground :D
At least, the mud isn't my worry for today besides some weird encounters will be my fear.
You know hiking here can be risky...
If you are bitten by a snake or injured by a random animal... You will be so dead...
This warning sign is true somehow. Who knows what will happen to you in the wood?
I guess once you are here, do remember to let your family or friends know your whereabouts...
And respect this sign. Sometimes, wild imagination can happen.
I shall leave it to Mother Nature to decide.
Time to think about whether I should explore other places... Alright! Let's try a different route since I have an OSM viewer to guide me.
I shall try this path to the right.
Looks so different... Perhaps because of the uncertainty feeling I have.
I need to check OSM app to confirm my position. oooo! I was near this H thingy... hmmm... what is that...
For me, I dare not look back and kept on looking ahead - registered within my limited memory and figured the path.
oooo! Interesting Alocasia, Elephant Ear related plant. This one looks like a dragon head. From Google, this should be Alocasia Boyceana... Boy, What a name!
Or Alocasia Longiloba or Zebrina... Who knows... I am no Alocasia expert.
With the map, it showed me the possible position of where I am. It seemed like I was near. So let's make the right turn.
OOO! Light! Bright light!
Finally arrived to the H thingy area.
Insert "Jurassic Theme"! Woooow!
From what I can understand... This zone is a hxlicxxer landing zone. I thought I will find a big H on the ground.
Love this place :D Wide and open!
Photos opportunity!
I wished to take more but I will have to go. Will visit this zone again. here can have a lot of drama!
Time to head back to the main trail
Interesting growth here and tied up by the vine plant
Back to a familiar route
MTB riding trail which reveals the Earth inner "flesh"
Took a picture for Nep Gracilis to repay the blur shot I did last time.
Famous River Crossing zone
Want to go for a good dip though
But I dare not. I will just cross the river. Thank you to whoever placed the pots.
Crossed the river carefully
and snapped some pictures before continuing
I can feel Mr Sun heat here. :) He was powered up!
I can imagine when during the rainy season, this path will be impossible.
Hahaha. This part of the trail is so SMOOTH!
Hmmm... Another side trail on the right... Should I?
Let's go!
This part of the trail was rather raw and wild. You can barely tell what is trail or not.
If without some red ribbon to confirm my direction, I might be lost.
Look at the trail just how raw it is.
Some trail vegetation was so thick, you might think it is a path.
And it was a Dead-end.
It was blocked by branches. Hmmm.... I can see a path beyond this point of blockage.
On the right side was the blockage and I had to find an alternate path (left side) to get around it.
I realised that someone had already made a path themselves. I was literally stepping on top of the dried plants and my worries were to step onto a snake, thanks goodness... I am safe.
Beside red ribbons, you will find some blue ribbons too; which meant there are two paths here.
Based on OSM app, I need to take the left turn which is red ribbons. Next time, I will try to visit the blue ribbons.
Wow! I was not alone :D Great to spot some hikers around here. We exchanged our greeting at this steep sloop. Did you see that red line? it is an assisting rope for us to get down or climb up easily. Don't be shy of using it.
Yes! back to a familiar route again!
From here, I am confident enough to walk at ease.
And got to this "open space"
Oh man, I forgot to bring my spidery suit here. I guess I will carry it along and wear it if I have a chance.
Trying tostrike a pose but my side tummy got sudden sharp pain... Argh...
After a few meters walk, here is the Famous cross path! Each path will end at a different destination (obviously) But if you do a whole body spin for like 20 times after you got back your conscious, you might not know which path ends.
I decided to take the North path since in my recent hike, I took the East Path.
I should have video the paths at unfamiliar places to compare the path condition, which is not as clear and direct as this one.
But no matter which path, each will have different surprises.
I heard something in front of me. Hmmm...
I met a cyclist lost his way, so I invited him to follow me.
I must say it is not that difficult to walk here but there are some difficult and unclear paths. I tried to jog along the path and while he can ride on his bike (if I walked he will have to drag his bike). It seemed like a new sport for me - jogging in the wood. Hahaha! But I won't do that often because I won't want to scare or step onto little creatures along the way.
Hi giant tree :) It seemed like I was on the right track!
Finally! We were out and a proper acknowledgement and good bye, uncle.
Nice weather today :)
Ah! My bag was torn... That meant time to change a new bag.
and time to drink up too.
Taking a short break as my tummy hurt a bit... I guess I am just too fat...
It was noon already.
Time to go back but...
I have to visit one more place...
Yes :) That was this Rocket Tower. During the noon and weekday, I bet this tower will be freed for... me to visit!
I thought I will be alone but...
With the power of huawei phone... anyway there was a model shoot was going on here :D How I wish I will look great as a model and pose with nature. Too bad...
I am just a weirdo... People will only vomit if their eyes were on me for more than three secs.
I guess at least only my blog won't mind. :,)
Sigh... I wish my negativeness will be neutralised sooner. Tired of being bounded down by it and be set free.
To think positively... I have already felt numb towards such judgement or emotions. Perhaps I am just used to it already.
I will be okay and will continue to improve slowly.
Time to put down
and leave it behind.
Please, Rocket Tower, take my negative away.
Time to go back home and rest myself for a new start for the week.
OOps! Forgot to off my OPS after I got onto the bus. Hahaha!
Overall hiking experience was great! I had explored the unexplored. Will continue to explore more then do one consolidated post for that Wxxdcutter Trail. Sorry, I won't want anyone to search for the actual name of that trail - it is not safe, enter at your own risk.


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