Saturday, February 6, 2021

Hiking - Early Sun Chaser

Yawning... Good... Morning Blog...

Yeah, Blog... I woke up so early on Saturday morning for... (sleeping)... OH! Yes! Chasing the sun... I can sleep for extra five mins? Zzzz...

Okay! My phone woke me up... Have to get up.
In my last month update, JH wanted to chase the sun and we went to Chestnut Nature Park (you can check it here) and managed to capture the sunrise. Not perfect/ideal but still great. Since JH has a car so travelling to some ideal places will be convenient. As for today, he also wanted to try some new place so why not?

Getting myself ready... brushing my teeth with my messy hair... watching to any crazy news on YouTube and feeling FAT...
Trying to drink the detox pack and the magic seemed like gone... :( oh well... Since I bought for 12 months supply, I will give it a test!
Mr Sun was still sleeping so it is a perfect time to go now. Hmm... 630am...
Whenever I was closing my eyes... I started to load my dream data. Better keep me on the move.
Waiting for JH to arrive better than late like last time. I overslept for good 20mins.
BOOM! Light speed to the location... So JH, where are we going today?
JH drove to the North and parked his car, telling me to follow him. OKAY! Yippee! Finally, there is a chance that I don't need to lead and just follow :D
Hmmm. JH, enter this place?
This is...
oooo! A Small island - Kranji Reservoir Fishing Ground. Usually, I will pass by this island but didn't go there to explore.
Saw two people fishing at the right side. They are the early birds.
JH told me that, this is a good spot to capture nice sunrise.
Actually here is a nice chilling site to chill at night (Don't do it during the noon, you will be cooked under direct light!) If can pitch a temp tent will be perfect.
It seemed like Mr Sun has just woke up! Good morning Mr Sun.
Mr Sun will usually wake up earlier before me
And this time, it was me to watch Mr Sun waking up.
Good Saturday Morning, Mr Sun.
JH showed me his shoot of birds flying across the sky which turned out great! Let me try! Come on birdies. Fly for me!
NO! Not there!
Too fast and slow to snap at the right moment... I gave me. Hahaha! I tried like 10 to 15 times.
I heard some laughter...
Mr Iguana told me to chill and I did well already. Hahaha. Alright, Mr Iguana, I will chill. :)
Mr Sun was getting ready now before we left this island.
Next one was opposite side - Kranji Reservoir Park B
What a quiet park
No one seems to want to step on this part of the island...
hmm.. I guess the main reason is this.
(Credit JH for helping) What the shxt am I doing here? What wrong with my life? Nani!
It surrounded the whole park to avoid Crocodile to rest here but it is pure... Speechless... I will visit this island again, who knows I can dress up as Spidey here without anyone disturbing!? XD
Alright! JH, let go to Sungei Buloh and explore!
Many years ago, Based on my blog, it was 2017 (blog post here)I went for my first hike alone here. Then during CB period, I thought it will be a great idea to visit there and enjoyed the peacefulness (blog post here) but I was wrong... And the rain also surprised us! Hahaha! Failed and unpleasant hike. Today will be my third hike at Sungei Buloh, I hope it won't be that bad. 

The sky got brighter now.
Mr Sun also wanted to visit this park too :)
Come, Mr Sun! let's go!
AH! That Dome. Last time during CB, it was blocked!
Finally, they opened up again!
Thanks goodness can go up there again!
Love to see the spiral structure which is one of nature's unique shape or expression.
Like to be part of it
Mr Sun was warming up - Clear sky and sea.
Come! JH. Let's take a picture to celebrate our 25+ years of friendship together
And celebrate my untoned physique which stuck to my genes.
Let's explore this quiet park further
I was looking out some "big lizard" here. These days, many people bumped to it and shared on FB groups, you can read up more here. I wished that I can find it today.
Finally, I can cross over this boardwalk!
Fresh Air!
This is somewhere where closer to JB! I WANT TO GO OVERSEA!!!
Nice half spiral here
JH and I were trying to capture the sun ray
I took like many pictures of Mr Sun in action but none of it matched my desire result. I guessed, this one was good enough. :)
Ah... JB! I want to go there now...
JH told me that is Forest City and now it is a Ghost Town. From a distance, it looks like a MEGA Condo! Here is the link about Forest City, you can read about it.
oooo! Eagle above our head!
That explains why this place is named as Eagle Point
Let's continue further to find some Crocodiles
High tide in the morning - at least better than low, which might stench.
Next pod!
Mr Sun was ready on its work.
OOOO. Where is everyone? I thought there are many visitors visiting this park already?
Kingfisher Pod
One quiet pod to chill
I thought I can have the light ray behind my back but I was wrong. LOL!
Kingfisher pod. I don't see any Kingfisher but I can relate why it was named that way.
YES! The Wetland Reserve - the highlight of Sungei Buloh!
but... under construction... what the...
(Thanks JH for helping) But if you have time for a short hike in the morning, try to visit this place in the early morning :) You will love it.
Because it was a short hike and JH has car - I told him to drive all the way to Kranji Marshes which he has zero knowledge about it.
Still as quiet as usual
I can imagine if come on the weekday? :D
Beautiful and tranquil park :3
Kranji Mashes information and map
(Thanks JH for helping) I always want to take this shot here
(Thanks JH for helping) I always remember my photography teacher told me that morning sun (certain timing) has the best lighting which lilted up the place nicely and preserved the blue sky colour too. Just nice.
Kranji Mashes is a perfect place for a short quiet scroll.
You can find a quiet spot to watch birds undisturbed
And a tower for a higher view
GREAT! Finally got a chance to go up now!
Nice view here :D
Sunny moment
but not so-nice view from another side.
Time to go back. JH
Thanks for the ride and nice to cover two places today :)


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