Saturday, May 9, 2020

Cycling - Gif Cycle

Good Morning Blog,

Somehow I slept late last night, it was a bit late when I woke up for a decent hike so I went for a ride with my waifu. So I decided to have a Me-time and a short post for this.

What a good sunny morning
Getting ready with my favourite toes-sock.
and my mini bag
Bringing my waifu out and placed her careful along the corridor
Ready to go for a ride
Just a Fat fat me. How I wish I will look toned...
Alright, Enough for this photo session, Time to go!
Start my app and track my workout. If anyone keens to add me as friends in this Strava app, here is my link. (if there is even any, Hahaha)
Perfect blue sky and quiet neighbour
Riding slowly
Woooooooooooooooooooooow NO one visited this park at all! WOW!
The whole place is MINE! MINE!
I calmed down myself and just enjoyed the moment of tranquillity
Since no one around, time to remove that sweaty mask
Trying to act cool but the tone stole the scene
Forgot to bring my tripod out today to take good pictures here
Hmmm... Weird thing is taking videos and pictures on the same camera, has a different frame size
Or same frame but different human-size. Hahaha
Difficult to take any picture when there is no good ideal platform
I noticed that they planted CCTV around so it is best don't sit down than pay $300 fine for a seat. I stood there and read my book.
And walked around the shelter
Alright, it was noontime, let's ride back home asap. I started to see visitors already.
let's go back home. Hope you like today short post. How will you spend your weekend during CB mode?


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