Hi Blog,
Today was my last day of leave clearing for 2019. I needed to clear it due to only 50% of our 2019 leave can be carried forward by June, if not, it will be confiscated. I wanted to visit Sungei Buloh because during CB, that place will be dead (deserted) and I have some plan there :3
Oh man! I woke up late and my camera decided to sleep somemore... I shall let it sleep for a while
Already late but better don't waste my leave and chance of CB mode.
Meanwhile, played my PS4 for a while and knowing Dongsaeng K will like to visit that place, so it was a perfect plan to have him preparing and waiting my camera to wake up.
Finally, my camera woke up and time to go. Oh man, it was around 11+ already. One of my late hike ever. |
With some photo edit, made my neighbourhood into a mini world.
It seemed like Dongsaeng K was ready to step out and I should get myself ready too, but the youtube videos just got my attention.
Sungei Buloh here I come! |
Clear blue sky. :3 I can feel the heat already.
To travel to Sungei Buloh Wetland, we will take bus 925 at Kranji Mrt. Hmmm...
Waiting for Dongsaeng K to arrive, spent some time to entertain myself. |
Haha I guessed I am not alone :) Thanks Mr Pigeon accompanying me (I know you want some food, so sorry that I didn't bring anything with me.) |
Almost empty bus and loved the air-conditional cabin. Hope to stay in here for a while.
Quiet JB across the water. When I can go there for visit again? After CB mode. :)
Oh man! Mr Sun was cooking in my trisuit. Black in the noon is a wrong choice.
It seemed like we were alone in this park. There were visitors visiting this quiet park too. Hahaha... Great catch up with friends :)
You can hear birds chirping here at the entrance
After the entrance, most of the display and information corners were closed. You can't chill and stay here for long.
It is an ideal place to chill under the shade and enjoy the beautiful scene |
Oh man... I forgot... they closed the key places... Here has a beautiful and perfect view for Spidey shot. |
Give some moment taking pictures of the flowers to make me feel better... but but...
This beautiful place...
CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
While I was in the midst of disappointment, looking at the swamp littering by human activity... Can't help to feel bad for Mother Nature has to accept such treatment quietly. |
Perhaps this CB mode can let Mother Nature takes a break and be herself. |
Perhaps I should adjust my expectation and give this CB mode a chance for Mother Nature. |
Let's continue to explore
The park cleaners also took their own sweet time to maintain the park cleanliness. |
Beautiful orchid-like flower spotted. Very small flowers here.
Oh! We heard something! Thunder storm was approaching! Oh man!
The Wetland at Sengei Buloh (another highlight) was closed due to storm. I guessed that it is perfect to visit quiet parks but closing of some nice spots are just a turn-off... |
Dongsaeng K and I managed to get out of the park before the storm started showering.
Warning for any visitor to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, stay away from visiting during the CB period. Many good places were closed and don't waste your time and money to travel here. |
Spot some heavy storm was coming from the East
And managed to capture a screen shot of a lightning moment by video record. :D I cheat my way. haha
Just managed to get on the bus before the rain caught us
And... the bus brought us to somewhere else. oh well... in Singapore, still safe.
Overall, we only managed to hike for less than an hour, one of the shortest hike I had... Really a lightning strike to my hiking experience. I felt apologetic for Dongsaeng K to travel all the way there but can't explore enough. My apology.
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