Sunday, May 31, 2020

Trip - Coast-to-Coast Trail

Hi Blog,

Today was a public holiday but no different for me working from home but also... I felt bad when I knew there were many people who became jobless during this CB period. So... I decided to do something to cure my laziness to do a Coast-to-Coast trail.

To start a Coast-to-Coast trail hike, I need to wake up very early.
Oh? You are asking me what is Coast-to-Coast Trail? You can check this official website for more detail. In general, it is a 36km from Jurong Garden to Punggol, across Singapore.

I also got inspired to do this trail from our local Youtubers - Sneaky Sushii's video. He is one of my most entertaining YouTubers due to his unique editing style. Do check his content out!

Looking through what he had experienced, was true. have to salute to what he and his friends had accomplished. Please watch it and experience it live. How I wish I can make such video but I can't carry myself by talking to a camera for more than a min, and can't gather enough meme before I bored my viewers.
Washed up and bathed to get ready for today
Kind of worrying... Worrying that I might not make it
36KM total distance
Mr Sun just woke up and I will meet him over there
Took the train all the way down to...
Chinese Garden MRT - Starting point for Coast to Coast trail
I doubt I will have time to explore Jurong Lake Garden and focus on the hike.
OOPS! The Chinese Garden was closed but still can walk toward my first Checkpoint
Good weather today
Coast-to-Coast Trail sign found!
We will start our trail here
36km... Let's experience it.
AH! Mr Sun was ready. Let's go!
This trail seemed crowded and I felt so awkward... when everyone just throw me a stare over my attire...
Arrive to Checkpoint 1
A picture with Checkpoint 1
Chinese Garden :) I will visit you again someday
Oh dear... First shoot to start my trail and got injured from opening the tripod. Oh man... no tissue to wipe it and I can't touch my suit too.
This Coast-to-Coast trail is all connected by Park Connector Network
Wow. 4.9km to my Checkpoint 2. Can't say it is far but it is something
Slow and steady
Mr Sun wait for me!
After a while, I had arrived Jurong East Station and then made a turn to different road (based on the map and signs)
Based on the illustration from NPark, it seems like a short walk but... it is a good long trail to another end where I need to make another turn.
Lucky, got sign to tell me where should I go.
But... I spoke too fast, I lost my way. Then I will have to find some other street sign and rely on Google Sensei.
Oh! This path is interesting. There are a display of 12 Chinese zodiacs.
Amazing sculptures
I guess you know my age now for this fat goat.
Familiar scene hmm...
OH! I was near Bukit Batok Park! Do you see that two radio towers?
Okay! Time to look for Checkpoint 2.
Wanted to enter the park but meh, I will stay focus.
Checkpoint 2 Found!
Heck care how passerbys' stares and snapped a pic with Checkpoint 2
Mr Sun was getting more and more power
I can feel the heat but I can't stop now... Need to move
Yes? Miss. I am not taking picture of you. OH! So sorry... you are staring at a weirdo here... my apology
Familiar places somehow easier to walk. I can hike at ease. I arrived at Bukit Timah hill.
Checkpoint 3 found!
Lucky no one bothered to throw me more stares.
Checkpoint 4 seems rather far... a place where I have ever tried to walk before.
Good morning Beauty World.
When are they going to finish the route to this railway? You will be missed.
If you had watched Sneaky Sushi's video (4:00 onwards), he mentioned this path is one of the most boring part of the whole trail. Nothing but a long long sketch of pavement and seeing many wealthy people (mostly Expats) around this area.
Here is one of the prestige schools which hosts the SMARTEST and BRIGHTEST students in Singapore. Even walking pass this gate, I could sense there is something chasing me away. Lucky I don't have a family... I won't want my bad gene to be carried to my next generation... Just too selfish if I am thinking of having a family. *SLAP* oh! So sorry, I was in a delusional and low moral condition. Time to wake up.
Hope the cream elites will understand the living under them.
Finally, after a good long boring walk from Checkpoint 3 to 4, I had arrived here. Honestly, even I live in Singapore, this part of Singapore I have yet visited.
Yes! Checkpoint 4 DONE!
Honestly... My legs already started protesting but I can't rest anywhere else...

I can't capture a good pic where my whole trisuit was soaked with my smelly sweat and feeling like to give up...
Lucky Miss Cloud helped to block Mr Sun for a moment.
Walking onto a place where I have never seen before.
Beside my trisuit was drenched and my mask just simply made it worse. It was damp and smelly. No choice but to wear it...
One of the smallest park that I had ever visited - Kheam Hock Park
This place looked so new to me.
Checking the location, timing and my info map from Npark... I was thinking...
Should I just take bus home... my toes hurt... and Miss Cloud can't hold Mr Sun until I completed the whole trail... So I decided... To walk back home since it is just along the way.
Looking ahead... Just need some more walking to cover the distance
and I will be back home...
Wanted to take some pictures here but my mind just told me to leave now...
Unsheltered walk and painful toes (left foot) made me feel like Nature is going to remove this loser from this world...
But I will try to pull myself through this trail.
At least, the flowers along the expressway trying to cheer me up. Thank you flowers.
From what I see, I doubt I can continue on...
The moment when I saw this pavement, I felt a GREAT sense of relief!
Here does not have a checkpoint so I decided to make it as one myself! CHECKPOINT 4.5!
I made it... even though I had not completed it within a day but I know it is not easy.
It was around 12 noon, hike with Full-powered Mr Sun and unsheltered can kill me.
Total distance covered so far on 25th May, is 24.6km and within 4 hours. Left 12km to Coney Island. I guess I will continue the remaining during the weekend.
Back home, the first thing I checked, is my toe. Oh man. Bruised...
It is due to my fourth toe tend to stretch under the middle toes. While I am hiking, the pressure will press on the 4th toe constantly. I guess that is why I love Toe-Sock/Glove sock in the beginning.
Check out the aftermath... Can you imagine if I still continue to hike like this?
My legs were so sore and warm... Time to take a nap for now... Feeling like loser but no time to invest the feeling...
End of my Coast-to-Coast trail challenge. I will swear that I will do the remaining again!

Continued Coast-to-Coast Trail on 30th May 2020

Good Morning Blog,

Thanks Heaven for healing my legs as I don't feel that sore in a few days, and time to continue the remaining trail.

I shall start from my home since my home is along the trail.
Getting ready and wore the same trisuit to continue the trail
it seemed like Mr Sun woke up early today
Wore Glove/Toes shoes today and hoped it helps
Let's go!
Wearing a different mask than the previous one, hope it will help.
Hmmm... where should I walk to then? There are so many ways to reach the next Checkpoint, which locates in Bishan Park.
Thanks Miss Cloud for blocking Mr Sun for me for the moment.
OH! Yes! since I walked pass this face-mask vending machine.
Just scan your NRIC to get this for free
Thank you Government for this
Hmmm... Who is this ugly nerd? Hmmm.. snap a picture first before it got worse.
Hmm... Arrived to Bishan Park, but...
Where can I find the Checkpoint?
Hmm... it is located in the center of the park
While searching for it... I got many uncomfortable and judgemental stares... Oh well... Sometimes how I wish I have a great slim body to wear trisuit so that people won't be judgemental and just give admiration.
Oh well, whatever shxtty body and look I have, I can't change it. I just moved on... OH! FOUND the Checkpoint!
Checkpoint 5 found!
I shall learn to don't bother with things which I can't make great changes. Even if I have great body, my stupid face won't change as my problem will stay...
Don't know how many times I read this word throughout this trail
OH! Mr Sun accompanied me for this trail. Hahaha Mr Sun, you are soo bright today.
While walking this path, this path is my usual cycling route, after walking this pavement which make me realised, it is actually a long stretch of road.
Didn't have a chance to explore AMK park actually. Hope one day I can go up those stairs and see what is up there.
It was hotter this morning timing.
Well, I can't stop now. I shall continue this!
My next checkpoint hmmm...
After a long long walk... Finally arrived at Checkpoint 6
Easy to find Checkpoint at least
At Luxus Hills park.
Checkpoint secured. Let's go for next!
Walking toward Sengkang Park
One usual place at Sengkang Park, here lays Singapore only kampong village. How I wish I have the balls to enter and explore the place... So far, this is the closest I can get.
Hmm... I guess the people here are not comfortable seeing a guy wearing a whole bodysuit. especially ugly like me... Can't bother liao. Just walk and take my own pictures.
My sweat started to wet my whole suit... That's bad...
Still have a long way to go to the last check point...
Something new on the pavement - a human icon
YES! Checkpoint 7 found!
Posed for the pic while people were just staring at me...
Pack and leave quickly!
Something interesting - an isle! I don't get to see this while cycling
At this moment, I checked my walking distance... I thought I only need to walk around 12km for today. But here is 12km from where I stopped previously, and there is some more that needs to cover!
I guess I will have to walk under the shade for now.
Find the next checkpoint
Walked through this coast-to-coast trail, Punggol has one of the nicer trees planted as compared to the rest
Punggol Waterway Park was filled with visitors... my awkwardness just got overwhelmed...
Lucky a tortoise took my attention away, it doesn't bother anyone checking on it and doing its own thing. :) Good Tortoise.
beautiful robot-themed wall mural
Hot hot afternoon now...
Thanks flowers for cheering for me!
I was trying to find the checkpoint and I will trust their map which located at the opposite side of the bank.
Purple flowers filled up the other side of the bank. Beautiful :3
YES! Found Checkpoint 8!
I walked pass this one and wondering is it over another side of the bank, but it is not :D. Oh man! I can't do it while holding my camera.
Last stop. meanwhile... I was thinking should I go to Optional Checkpoint 10.
It seemed like a LONG LONG distance away from where I stood
It is another 8+ km walk...from the last checkpoint... I will ignore that checkpoint
WOW! Otters spotted! Wonderful sight.
Miss Cloud presented a blue sky to cheer me up for the last checkpoint
Coney Island is JUST RIGHT IN FRONT of me!
Mr Sun...  Thanks for cheering. :)
My legs started to speed up
WOW! Hahaha! My ex-stduent, Haiqxl recognised me despite I wore a mask.
Thanks Haiqxl for accompanying me along the last pavement
I am there! I AM COMING!
CHeckpoint 9 Secured!
YES! I did it!
Sense of achievement :D
WOW! I thought I need to cover 12km but it was 20km! So it is not 36km, 24+20=44km!!!
Ending Coast-to-Coast Trail on 31st May 2020

Good Morning Blog,

Yesterday night as I was drafting my blog post, I bumped to a Youtube video by another young Youtuber.

He managed to complete the whole trail within a day! WHAT?! I guess young and fit can really make things works well for individual. Until I read within the comment session, someone mentioned this, "Don't know why the most important question isn't addressed.. How long did it take. Had to look thru the blog to figure he took 2 days.. 7am to 7pm, then 12:40pm to 7+pm... So about 18hrs +"
That motivated and comforted me for unable to complete within a day and there was one thing always hang in my mind too... That was the Checkpoint 10. Even though, my body and legs were begging for a break. But... I guess my "perfectionist" mindset kicked in... I MUST complete it with Checkpoint 10 to complete it.

Thanks heaven for morning good weather
I decided to cycle to reach Checkpoint 10
Hi PCN, we meet again.
Riding my Waifu, feeling so much better than walking on this pavement
While riding... just to complete the last checkpoint... Why Am I doing this? What do I get in return? I spent the whole trip reflecting myself...

Finally arrived Rower's Bay
Look at how beautiful lake
What a quiet park :D Similar to my favourite
As this is a very small park but it has beautiful lake and a long pavement for joggers - Perfect simple park to serve its purpose.
Love this park already as I doubt I will visit this place often but will be one which I added into my list.
Enjoy the scenery everyone :3
oh! Yes Checkpoint! Found that last Checkpoint!
Mr Sun also cheered for me by putting up the light but Mr Sun, can try without? :) Thank you Mr Sun. You are always so supportive.
Good bye Rower's Bay Park :D
Time to go back home and finished my blog post.
Checkpoint 10 added in :)
Perfect Tanline XD
Thinking of my flaw for being perfectionist... which got myself into worries and depression... Wanted to be perfect but I can't be perfect... I am just imperfect in the beginning, not demi gods.

Then I learned, it is because I have the desire to complete a set whatever I can. Since I am not perfect, I must not leave the situations or anything around imperfect or incomplete. If I can complete I will do it. Just to feel "complete" for the imperfect-me. I will say... I have to manage that... it can help me and ruin me too, like handling a sword.

I will take this moment to recognise myself and be careful... Meanwhile I should be thankful to some of my friends who are always being helpful and supportive to my flawed personality. :) Thank you. Oh so sorry I got carried away.

Overall, there are a lot of narrow footpaths by the road which have nothing to do with PCN. So you might get lost... it is advisable to check the map app on your device. As It is a doable trial but be aware of the weather and stamina. Don't push yourself too much. It will be encouraging to accompany with a friends so that it will motivate one another. Remember to bring water and take a break if needed.



  1. Hello Jeff ....

    Its never easy , trying to be perfect in an imperfect world , i have been down so many roads in life and met so many people along the way , all trying to achieve something or other in life , some are kind and some are cruel but its here that we learn to humility and its also here we learn to never allow other to bring us down ... we can help other and also receive help from others but i think we should never allow others to make us feel less then we are , know your worth and never allow other to tell you otherwise ...

    1. Thanks Fred for your encouragement and I hope I will overcome it well


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