Thursday, August 16, 2018

Personal - First Time to PolyClinic

Good Morning Blog,

My neck lump still doesn't subside, so before I died due to zero resource in my well to TCM; I decided to spare some resource to get a referral letter to specialist from Polyclinic.

Typical guy dragging his feet
This is my first time visiting a polyclinic, and AMK has one polyclinic to replace the old one where I used to have my first injection. Let's go and check it out!

New AMK Polyclinic seems clean and fresh like a mini hospital.
Funny thing is that I need to take lift to enter certain departments - like example, 1st floor digital registration, then moved up to third floor for temperature check-up and detail registration, then moved down to 1st floor to see doctor, then up to 2nd floor for Blood test, then back to 1st floor, then move to another department for medicine, then out for payment. 
Waiting for temperature check-up and they found out I have cold than fever. Friendly Nurses :)
After registration, I moved to clinic to see doctor.
Hmmm have to wait for 100+ patients to clear... but! after 15 mins of waiting, it was my turn! :D FAST!
Doctor checked my lump and he claimed it is not virus infection since I had already completed my antibiotics... He suggested it can be HIV... I was like WHAT THE HELL! Seriously, doctor, I am a virgin wizard! How will I get that virus??? He followed by asking me some awkward questions like did I have sex this year? Am I sexually active? Did I use a condom or your partner used a condom... Serious! DOCTOR! NO NO NO!

Anyway, we proceed on a blood test to determine the result.

Painful and awkward experience...
Thanks goodness, I am clear! And granted a MC!
After taking my antibiotics pills, here is my worry... Payment time.
Surprise surprise! It is affordable! :D I am so happy to see the price! :) Next time, Polyclinic is the way to go!!!
I checked my watches, it was 945am, nearly an hour + for the whole checkup, quite fast :D and I had a day MC... So you know what I will do next?

HIKING! (link)


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