Friday, August 31, 2018

Personal - Random August

Hi Blog,

Randomness of the month post is here again! Hope my reader will like it.

2nd Aug 2018 - My previous white Marcuse trunk got so loose that I can't wear it anymore. Lucky I have a backup trunk but I look awful in it... I guess it is because my body starts to look like shxt. Anyway, lets focus on today swimming objective. Today my friend, U.E joined the swim and he encouraged me to swim for 20 laps and it was my ever first completed 20 laps! Believe me, I got SO tired and hungry - I had two meals for dinner, which also meant... the 20 laps went to drain...
3rd Aug 2018 - Today I try to squeeze out some time for a short jog before my next programme. I am happy that I can do it. :)
5th Aug 2018 - It has been a while since we swam during evening timing but that can't help to reduce the crowd during weekend. Oh well... My untoned body will still need some workout so just do it.
6th Aug 2018 - First time meeting a FB friend (randomly), A who added me for a long time. Somehow I 'knew' him before but don't know from where and when. He claimed he worked for FM radio station for 25 years to attend to the DJs. Interesting working experience.
7th Aug 2018 - In the past, I will craze for some form of attention from the pupils' liking and attention of me. But now... I don't care anymore as I learned to go for quality than quantity. Even though other teachers might have a bigger 'fan-club', I should not get jealousy over it but to celebrate for them. (still learning but I am on the right direction.) Those pupils are my helpers and they have improved a lot.
8th Aug 2018 - Today I visited a doctor because I realised that I have a swollen thingy on my left neck. The doctor suspected it is a lymph nodes and might be some virus infection. Swollen lymph nodes is an indication that my body is gearing up to fight the virus infection. Hope I will be well.
11th Aug 2018 - EK saw this sign at Taiwan. It is a great feeling to have my Chinese name on the sign.
13th Aug 2018 - It has being a week. My lymph nodes still stays and bigger. I decided to try TCM because one of my friends claimed his family has this issue and they try TCM to recover. Hope for the Best and Prepare for the Worst!
14th Aug 2018 - My neck is getting snifter and headache... After acupuncture session, I feel lesser pain but it comes back again. I guess will continue to try TCM.
15th Aug 2018 - Acupuncture again. Honestly... My wallet is so drained... I will pause TCM treatment for the moment until my wallet recharge.
19th Aug 2018 - My lump seems to get smaller and I decided to go for a hike from North down after my visit to Uncle P who stays alone but end up... We chatted so long I realised my phone battery left 10%... I can't record my hike... Lesson learned that I have to bring a powerbank!!!
23rd Aug 2018 - I went for my specialist check-up, a beautiful young chiobu. After carefully examining my throat with a scope, nothing wrong on the wall of my throat; she suggested I might get some TB... Seriously... after HIV, and now TB??? Then she suggested to extract some cell from the lump for further investigations. so... Ended up, popped three needles and painful experience on my neck and wallet...
26th Aug 2018 - My first time playing bowling and pooling; I am not a talented player for both games. For bowling, I always waste my balls into the gutter but when SJ tried to video my posture, I got a Strike! I celebrated my short-term achievement like a kid! Hahaha Childish me. From that onwards, zero is the score I got for being a lousy player. Hmmm... Pool isn't my game, but I tried to play it well. At least, we had a great game together. :)
27th Aug 2018 - A simple token of appreciation is a blessing and soul-rewarding for me. Mr S got me a Doraemon cross-dress Captain America. Thank you Mr S.
27th Aug 2018 - Hello Beetle. I found this beautiful green coated beetle back-flip on the floor then I helped it to back on its feet, then put it on a pot. After a few hours of meeting, I stepped out, I found this beetle back-flip again. My second-time of helping it to back on its feet. I reflected at myself, even though I don't have a Greek God figure, I hope this beetle will be appreciated a peasant-me.
31st Aug 2018 - Today I went to meet my specialist regarding my unknown lump. The doctor said from the tests and scans, suspected that I might have (1) Cancer cell hidden in my other part of my body (2) TB - A rare minor dormant type of TB and (3) Immune system issue. So doctor also suggested that I should do a small surgery to allow them to extract the lump cell wall for more tests to confirm it's identity so they will need to open my neck, but there is a problem. My wound will not heal if it is a TB. I told the doctor, my biggest worry isn't cancer or immune, but whether is this lump is TB or not? I don't want to spread to pupils and people around me. Doctor can't do much but to do more tests. I decided to take more tests. After I left the room, a nurse passed me a piece of note and it is a heart-warming note. Don't you think so?

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