Thursday, August 16, 2018

Hiking - On MC Day

Hi Blog,

Today I manage to get MC due to my lump on my neck (link), and since I am still live and kicking than just rest a home to kill time, I decide to go for a good walk. In fact, I can start early, but my phone got zero battery life... Oh well... Common life for old phone users.

Time to get ready
Let's Go!
Since I decided to go on a slow walk around MacRitchie and playing my Pokemon GO which Alv has been playing my forgotten Pokemon account - I should play it at least especially hatching the eggs and try to collect some Easter Eggs too :3

Hmmm... Due to I have not been playing Pokemon GO for quite some time, there are a lot of new pokemons on my radar. Too many to fill up my PokeDex.
I still prefer to catch this "pokemon (life one)" hahaha! Did you spot there are two of them?
Even though it is a normal working day and I thought the crowd will be denser... But not quite though... There are visitors and families hiking around MacRitchie, due to P6 Oral exam and many younger kids have no schooling today.

So some eggs are rather difficult to catch.
Hmmm... Maybe I should go this way to catch or just don't care...
But but... that Pokemon is inside this restricted zone... okay, forget it
I always want to take a picture with this small shelter and I spent quite some time to place my 'photographer'. Lucky there is no passerby.
My 'photographer' found a new way to get the best angle, and at least it tried :)
During the noon time, the sun is quite bright and sunny. Lucky the plants help to reduce the intensive.
It is around 1pm, denser crowd but not easy.
If the sky is blue, it will be perfect which will reflect on the water.
I regret sitting down... because... Muddy and dusty ground stains my suit!!! But who cares.
Since it was stained, I just went ahead and can bath together with my suit later.
Quiet and peaceful day, my mind is just empty and no much thought.
At least, I am happy :)
Did you spot something in the water? Negative example...
I learned one thing today... I realised that everyone (including me) will want to live in a better and glamorous lifestyle - to look desirable, good looking, wealth and eyes-magnet etc. After careful thought... I am built differently, I am a person with different vibes; I may not classifised as a Greek God like others do, but I am a representation of a Honest, Down-To-Earth Person. I should embrace and live the BEST of myself. Because in the end of the day, those youth, wealth, fame will not stick to a person for long, what is matter - is the heart of the person that shines!
Yes :) I will move towards this new direction. If the ideal path is blocked, I believe there are other routes to explore than struck at the spot. :)
Today will be a new route for me. I will live on my BEST.
With the new path, the sky opened up itself!
I should...
Embrace the Light!
Sometimes cool down myself at times.
I won't wait for Miss Right anymore. I am like a boat harboured at a stop for long time already and it is time to sail off to my next destination.
The period that I lost will not be wasted. It serves as a reminder.

I feel so much better after affirmation of myself.
I won't forget the fact - this affirmation was also mentioned from many of my friends too. So sorry that I didn't see it earlier.
I am the HERO - UNSUNG HERO (without a cape) whom I want to be!
About 2pm, practically LESSER passerby :D GREAT!
But I got tired already...
Time to go home
Complete my collection shots for my trisuit and zzz at home.
I took a bit too much time Pokemon-ing and taking pictures. Hahaha! And good luck in the Easter Eggs finding.
Nice sunset with a Clear sky for the day. :) Thanks Heaven for Affirmation too :D


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