Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Hiking - Never Stop Me

Hari Raya Haji Blog,

Today is a public holiday!!! Yippee!!! So I can visit Lazarus Island!

Wait a min...
Oh no.......................
Around 2+, the weather got better so I decided to just go for a slow jog and complete the theme asap.
It does not stop me from going out to sweat out a bit at least. Lazing at home will be taking up most of the time today so... I can't sit at home alone.

Fat Fat Le Me.
Cool weather after rain and my purpose is to clear some of my theme :) which you can check this out!
But I sweat a lot due to high humidity.
My lump is still stay like as if, I have a buff neck.
Finally I can end this theme here :D WAH! I have two themes completed!
You can click here for the second theme :)
Wet ground as expected
Enjoying the dew and sun ray in the wood :3 Look so cool and how I wish I can have someone to help me to take this picture...
After a slow jog, I went back as a couch potato with my PS4.


  1. Hi may i know the place you went for your hike?

    1. Hi Alvin. Thanks for dropping comment.
      This place is MacRitchie Nature Walk


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