Saturday, August 4, 2018

Hiking - Guiding First Timer

Good Morning Blog,

Today Saturday Morning, what will I be doing??? Hahaha... As usual, I will do my hiking trip. In fact, I started to miss my biking habit. I think I will hike for this month, then next month cycling. My waifu really missed me.

Today I have my designer friend, Boo wanted to visit MacRitchie. I will guide him along.
Today weather seemed gloomy but I doubt it will rain, so cool weather condition for Boo.
I wear my new (LAST!!! I SWEAR!) trisuit - with a tag code: 2xuback2
Saturday as usual, filled with visitors
Boo asked me how do I take my picture and I revealed my secret photographer to him.
After we had covered  3/6 of the journey to Tree Top, Boo started to feel tired. I guessed the up-slope and down-slope landscape can be a great challenge for first-timer. I glad that he managed to complete the walk. :)
Beside Shiv, Boo doesn't mind helping me to take pictures. Now I have three great non-judgment photographers - my secret photographer, Shiv and Boo.
By looking at the picture... I really missed my previous hairstyle. I should not let my another barber cut my frontal hair too short...
Along the hike, I told Boo to look out for Mushrooms and we managed to find five different mushrooms at the same area.
Each of them is different from one another
but they serve the same purpose to Mother Nature.
No matter what size you are
Even if you are the nicest looking one, they are still the same.
In MacRichite, there is this traditional well. :) Boo offered a helping hand.
Picture Credit to Boo. Thumb up for you!
I know the hiking was a challenge for you, carrying a big bag will only add more burden. I guess I have to learn to put down my past burden and fear to move on. Hope I can move on positively.
Good workout today!


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