Friday, June 30, 2017

Personal - NS50

Good morning Blog,

today was SAFday or NS50 to commemorate Singapore National Service 50th anniversary so SMRT gave NSF and NSMAN free ride!!!

Dressed up with my uniform to get free ride
my cosplay moment XD
I wondered will we flood the public transportation with uniforms? It was exciting and fun to think about it.
At first, when I reached to station, I was skeptical over why no one dressed up and then how do I enter the gutters... so many worries... until (click on the video I did below)

Free stickers :D thank you! Love the drawing so cute
here is the poster about it
thanks, principal gave me permission to do so
Thanks DEVI for taking picture with me
Hahaha, I told every kid to salute with their right hand and don't smile while saluting.
for those who have not figured out what is right or left; but they were just cute. 😊
Thank you to one of the staff took a picture of me and some pupils just laughing at me
Living in the city with jungle around
what a heart warming message actually :) Salute back, and thanks for the free ride

Some axx made some funny video about the day. Hahaha

But after looking through the comment session in this video, now I know why this video was created and I didn't see anyone dressing up due to many Singaporeans found this idea of dressing up for the Free public ride is stupid and tasteless. well... I will say at least they tried; there is no plan which suitable for everyone. Like some policemen, they can't dress up for this occasion.

On the surface, it might sound insulting to me dressing up for the Free public ride, (feeling like a fool and cheapo) but throughout this, I was enjoying and taking pride in our uniforms and SAF. Today I took many train and bus rides which saved me a lot of money, even though some of my friends told me that I could do such by showing my 11B (in the news) Oh well... at least I am proud in my uniform (I am the uniform kind of person actually)


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