Monday, June 12, 2017

Swimming - Swim with Alan

Hi Blog,

It had been awhile since I swam at Bedok Swimming Pool, I heard that they will shift its location to somewhere near Bedok Mall; today swim will or might be my last visit so I asked Alan to join me.

Funny thing was when I raised my camera to shoot the place, the lifeguard stopped me. I guessed I should not take pictures like that. Here were the only pictures which I managed to take safely.
Thumb up for fatty!
It had been awhile since I took my camera for a swim so let's smile for the camera!
One of my favorite shot for the day
Thanks Alan for helping
and did a Super Saiyu! Hahaha!
Good bye! BedokSwimmingPool
It was a short post for today as I didn't do much, besides visited a funeral in the morning.


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