Thursday, June 8, 2017

Jogging - Extra Hand for Pictures

Hi Blog,

Due to my many trisuits, I have a plan to rotate them instead of choosing and today was my FIRST trisuit I got; I love this a lot and lets go for a short jog with S.

Do you like it too?
I went jogging with S, as he needed someone to motive him to workout.
I always want to take an eye-level picture
Thank you, S for helping me :)
S was so kind enough to help me to take pictures for me without judgmental.
Thumb up for S!
I tried to take this picture myself but failed by doing it alone
Love this eye-level picture
Hey S, did you get the picture?
S suggested why not we try to have the metal grids as background
well... I am fat so it won't look great at all.
It was getting darker, my camera can't work well in dark but S suggested to take with flash and it turned out good.
one of my favourite picture among all my jogging. Thank you, S for helping!
as the sky was getting dark so too much flash here though.
Overall I will love to try my drone (on its way) to help me to take eye-level pictures.


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