Saturday, September 26, 2015

Personal - Attending my Cousin's Wedding Lunch

Hey Blog, 

Woke up early to attend my cousin's wedding ceremony, you know somehow the feeling is mixed... of unworthy and joy. well........................... just have to think positively. Fated and I have to learn to accept.

Today my Outfit of the Day - OOTD
Well... let's take selfie and picture with my sister, to cheer up myself.

Ah.... I am fat...... yes I know.
and Nerdy too. Who cares? 
This is my sister. Nearly going to wear pink on that day
Here is my beautiful cousin, and her father and aunt
Hahaha... a picture of my relatives and my mother.
Hahahah! A picture with Durxxn
Oh MY! my sister's app can make your skin looks flawless and plastic XD
Let's give it a test
Time to puke, readers.
Who cares? Just pose for the pictures!
Start to load "emo"
Love this frame. 
Hmmmm my cousins and I trying out the beauty app.
Since it was a wedding lunch, here were the dishes, weird... I thought I will have eight than six. All vegetarian. 

Hmmmmmmmmmmm untill the end of the day, congrats my cousin who found Mr Right and all the best in future. For me, just self-pity of my pathetic life. Argh! Just heck care.

Last pose for the day
See you Blog


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