Monday, August 17, 2015

Jogging - Kickstart My Jogging Engine

Hey Blog,

Today I have decided to rush back home to make sure I do a little simple slow jogging. So I SUIT up and let's GO!

Jogged to the same place where the giant tree chopped off. Let's pose for the day!

Trying to act COOL. Disgusting me hahahah
Who is there? No one. hahah
I wondered how tall was this tree... 
Funny thing was people jog, I took this time to think and walk.
Especially I was alone in this path. 
Yeah. I was alone. Let's SING a SONG to the Jungle!
Enjoy the scene where Monkeys family have fun with the tree.
Oops... I wasted so much time on taking pictures. Hahahah
4 ++ KM. Hmmmm 
Pose of the Day! Acting-Heroic pose!
Thanks God for good weather and time to get busy. I will jog again.


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