Saturday, August 22, 2015

Movie Review - Attack on Titan: Live Movie

Hey Blog,

On Thursday, we gathered to watch this manga-adaption movie title - Attack on Titan in group. :) it was nice to have a mix group of people who are not fan of AOT, don't know anything anything about AOT, know about AOT (like me) and Fan of AOT.

because this movie is different from manga, so the feedback from not fan and know nothing about AOT VS fan of AOT are quite well-balanced.


Here is my movie review on "Attack on Titan" movie.

From a not-fan, don't know anything about AOT
Overall, the movie is quite well-done. Very gory and confused by the characters - like what can they do, are they important etc etc. Because they know this movie adapted from a manga, the AOT manga fans will often question - who is this? why like this? why like that?

The whole storyline seems like lego block - just happened without any solid reason. Like it happened A-B-E-G-D No one explains anything about it. I believe it is due to the time constraint in movie.

Sometimes I can't remember who is who. So here are the overall casts of AOT.

Hope it helps anyone out there. Hmmmm..... I only like the Hans. Likable character. :3

I enjoyed watching her performing, do you?
From a Fan of AOT
(spoiler alert) This movie gives them cancer cell. they hated how they changed Mikasa character, How she was introduced in the beginning unlike the manga - she looks weak, and the plot of this movie is different from manga - very disappointing.

But when come to the introduction of Colossal Titan, Erev transformation scene and titans attack the villagers - are the MOST enjoyable scenes.

For me
Seriously, I can't forget the way how they eat humans!
I found it weird... when they start to eat men, they will tear him apart gruesomely, but when come to eating women, they just swallowed her in whole. WHAT!.

Now I start to eat slowly like them
And the fighting scene, the MOST EPIC scene, where most of the AOT fans will clap their hands. I feel that I am watching Ultraman! WAHAHAA... It has energy limited, once used up, it will be weaken.

Anyway speaking about Titan, I just LOL all the ways when I looked at the titan faces. I must say they are very serious actors - have to act nerdy, wear almost naked suit to cover their genital. Here are the places where I will glory them for putting the act for us.

Overall. But I think I missed out the woman titan on the left.
Me Gusta Titan. LOL!
EPIC. Just Pure EPIC!
Weird titan which we only see it once.
Nice make up!
Baby Titan... this is weird... Fan of AOT can't explain this.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that face!!!
Weird climbing one
this one is the muscular one
Skinny titan
Titan Family photo
The artist style titan
LOL! Look like one of the parents I know of. LOL
You won't forget this face. LOL
Like hell!
fat one
actually it looks scary if you think this is real.
Beggar style titan
LOL. that face
I am hungry
here are other reviewers who give good review


Overall: 3.8/5 - Watch this movie without expectation. I was quite entertained and hope they can develop more the characters- they are not well define yet in this movie. Since there is part two. I hope it will show more.

If I am a titan - I will be the utlraman type. Save people. Kick the titans' asses

I don't own all images and credit those whoever own it, except the last one which I edited my own 

Additional Information
I managed to find a video about AOT weapon. You can make one XD

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