Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Cook - My First Attempt of Preparing Soft Boiled Eggs - Failed

Hi Blog,

Today I decide to try to prepare soft boiled eggs after watching the videos. Let's me explain the steps.

First step - Have those eggs rest at Room temperature; not cold eggs

Second step - Boil the water

Third step - put in the eggs gently and let it cook at middle fire for 6 mins

Forth step - Prepare the sauce, you need a few slice of ginger, light soya sauce and I choose mirin (vegetarian) 

Fifth step - put them together and a 1 and 1/2 cup of water, then let it boils.

Sixth step - prepare icy water bath and after 6 mins, bath the eggs for 3 mins

Seventh step - peel off the egg shells and put it into the sauce for like 10 mins or more (if you want to keep it for the next day)

look soft

Result? It looks okay....

But.... I failed...

the egg white is still soft but 
the egg yolk is solid

The egg yolk doesn't flow like lava egg... Maybe 6 mins is too long for the egg or fire is too much or I didn't stir the eggs? Next time I will try all out. Keep you update. 

And Thanks Yunli for sending me a link on the eggs timing, you can check it out, it is quite useful and if you can read Chinese. (here is the link

Ended up I have to finish the failed products :( too full!


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