Thursday, August 13, 2015

MapleSea - A Game of Destiny Event Quest

Hey Blog,

MapleSea has a new event named "A Game of Destiny" (29th July 2015 ~ 25th August 2015)
You may accept quest "[A Game of Destiny] Temporal Wormhole” from the Star Icon Notifier or visit the Temporal Wormhole found in the Event Map. (Source link here)

Storyline Summary
Every evil villain has their own untold story and once after we understand their past - we will learn that usually they were usually the victim of left-out by the "good" kids; friendless or easily misunderstood.

In this wormhole, It will bring us to the past happening of a Aspiring Scientist (young Gelimer) - how he was being left out, his attitude toward the world, his plan and his intelligence capacity on Science. Those were the strike of his plan of "Black Heaven" to Mapleworld.

Things you need to know about the Quest
  • Go to Event Hall, Click on the Temporal Wormhole to start the quest
  • In that wormhole, you will enter to a random map with different quests. 
  • After completing the quest, you must answer a question correctly, in order to move on to the next map. 
  • If you selected an incorrect answer, it will move you out of the wormhole. 
  • You can only enter the wormhole once per day per character. 
  • Beside receiving EXP for completing each quest. If you need to complete all the random quests in one run to complete the event. You can complete the final quest ‘[A Game of Destiny] Better Late Than Never’ though the star event notifier on the left hand side of the screen to receive an additional reward. 
  • Reward: Mini Black Heaven 90-Day Coupon Note (Permanent, some error with its name)

Quests and Answers (can't get enough detail for the rest of the quests....)
Q: The kill 300 bunnies quest
A: "I don't need humans, the bunnies are my friend"

Q: The kill 50/100/150/200 monster quest
A: "Wipe out all the ore munchers around here"/"Get every last one of them"/"Get rid of them all"

Q: The 3 birds quest
A: "I'll release them to the wild in Leafre"

Q: The spiders quest - Kill 5 spiders
A: "I will guard this area 24/7, without sleep or breaks"

Q: The 100 Cork Stoppers quest
A: "To make a robot that can work for me"

Q: The Water Thief Monsters quest
A: "It looks like water but it's actually a special liquid I made"

Q: The Mesoranger gloves and shoes quest
A: "The guy with bear mask"

Q: The Mesoranger helmets quest
A: Choose the option with the keyword "yellow"

Q: The pilot and sailor quest
A: Choose the option with the keyword "Sea"

Q: The 30 flowers quest
A: "A pot with soil and a single flower"

Q: The Math quest
A: Get a calculator, and keep the numbers you collect in your inventory if you get that quest again, they don't disappear.

Q: The Scratch Pad - Find 20 Aspiring Scientist's Scratch Pad
A: "An excavator with a powerful drill"

Q: Monster Fusion
A: "Wipe out all the rock monsters around here?

Q: The Ore muncher baby quest
A: "Make the ore muncher stronger"

Q: The Robot parts quest
A: "A robot with intellect"

Q: 100 bottle quest
A: "that's not about recycling."

Q: Love Girl
A: "a pot of soil with a single flower"

Q: The mini Black Heaven quest (The 8th and last quest)
A: Choose the helicopter option

- If you can't complete the quest, you can keep those items and redo the quest the next day.
- The hardest quest ever is the Pilot and Sailor Quest - It took a long time to loot/drop the items
- Use one of your stronger character to clear the stages for you, because those monsters are adjusted according to your level - may require to hit more.
- The mounting can be traded, good income though :)

So sorry I can't get every screenshot... I didn't have time to play, so this is what I can gather.


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