Monday, December 15, 2014

Cycling - Exploring North side

Hi Blog,

I am back from three days camp, the first I want to do is to cycle. My cycling life since I got my fat bike, has been a good training for me; even though I am still as fat as usual. But I can say my stamina improved a lot. Fat and heavy are a good training for me, speed is not what I am going for.

Anyway, I decided to explore north side of singapore, woodland side, I nearly lost my way and quite exciting :) but I still managed to find my way with my iPhone.

I made it to Woodlands Waterfront!

Due to it is a Monday morning, no many visitors around. I want to take selfies but... I felt there will pop out from passby so haha I didn't manage to take any. (Maybe next time)

There is a habour where some people do fishing and I able to see Malaysia across the bank.

Nice and quiet place :3 but I bet there will many visitors when the time is right. 

Anyway, my way back, I lost my way and I managed to cover some new route. Next time I will make a whole overview of cycling at park connectors.


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