Monday, December 29, 2014

Personal - On my way back and Got "Molested" at security LOL

Hi Blog

A short post. Today I will be leaving Myanmar and flying back to Singapore. As promised, I will go there again end of 2015. It was a good experience to stay away from phone and Internet connection, I had learned many things.

But just when I was at custom, everyone will be asked to scan around their bodies by some metal tool in the inspectors' hand, and they will check your belt and pockets for any other smaller items. 

Then it was my turn to be inspected and here was my virgin experience...

The feeling was so awkwardly comfortable but I tried to get back to my senses to observe how he inspected others but he didn't grope onto their private part like how he groped mine. Lucky he didn't give me a signal stare, he just groped and continued his search. Oh dear... Boner happening...

Anyway... It was over, I just stared through the window and admiring the scenery. 

I got Molested... Sigh... but funny


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