Saturday, December 27, 2014

Trip - Exercise at Kandawgyi Lake

Hi blog,

Good morning! I just went for my first morning exercise at Myanmar. Tiring but refreshing! We had to wake up by 5am to get ready and met up with an elder who is a retire but actively involved in morning exercises; he is one of the leading members to lead the morning sketching exercises.

Yah. That is him, a 70 years old elder. We address him as mr Lan, one of the few Chinese-Burmese who still can speak chinese very well. Chinese or some dialects are dying off very soon in Myanmar, just like Singapore, the youngsters only speak English, but don't know how to speak their mother tongue - dialects or even chinese. Anyway, let's get back to topic. Even though he is 70+ years old elderly, but believe me, he can walk like young man!

We were told to meet up with him somewhere and he will bring us to a lake - Kandawgyi Lake. We will need to walk for like 15 mins (from ANG mo kio MRT station to bishan mrt station distance) and surprisingly his walking pace is constant for his age. :) regularly exercise really help to maintain your physical fitness. Good to motivate myself! 

Finally we had reached Kandawgyi Lake, meanwhile it was still dark, but that distinguishable icon is the Karaweik Royal Barge (two golden mandarin ducks) glows in glory, together with the Shwedagon pagoda (can be seen in a distance too) 

This golden mandarin duck really capture your attention while walking on a wooden bridge along the bank of the lank, but some of the wood rot and have broken apart, making night/sunless-seeing dangerous to walk on, because you might step into a hole or broke pane, so watch your steps.

Like I mentioned earlier, we went there for exercise leaded by mr Lan. Concurrently, There is another exercise-group also conducting their routine exercise beside us, seems like more youthful and fun than our - they laugh out loud (official LOL exercises) and yoga exercises.

As for us, we have a smaller group as compared to others, we do warm-up  and stretching exercises, suitable for elderly, So if there are youngsters who join in, will make the group look balanced and harmony. As a beginner, our movements looked funny to the elders. 

That actually show that most elderly will like to see some youngsters or new blood to follow or practice whatever they feel valuable about, to understand what they treasure than leaving them an impression that youngsters will only go for the new and leave the old and the old will be left forgotten.

That whole exercise took like an hour to complete and it was dawn. Selfie time!

Look! My first kiss from mosquito and let make a cross on it.

Mr lan was so kind to bring us to a nearby coffeeshop to have breakfast. It is a pleasure experience to have breakfast like the local. Due to we are vegetarians, our choice of food is that prata-looking which prepares in the traditional way and try out their Burmese milk tea (sweetness level: 80% ~ 100%) everything costs less than S$1.50.

Okay sleeping time again, see you again


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